Office Newswire: Next Office – click-to-run and Office on demand
Don’t let yesterday’s high temperature of 105 degrees fool you… Summer’s over. Yeah sure, it’s still hotter than Hades in Texas but that’s normal. But I know Summer is over because I checked with the weatherman. The forecast for Sunday calls for sub 90 degree weather.
Fall is here. It’s time to pull the sweaters out of storage.
BTW – I will enjoy this <90 degree weather by coaching baseball. It’s a new season of Fall Ball. This year, we play against live kid pitching. We’ll be lucky to play 3 innings within the 100 minute time limit. There will be lots of walks and lots of hit batters. If you are unfamiliar with the great game of baseball, I’m sorry.
Office news & editorials!
- Office 2013 on Windows RT – business as usual :: I am very interested in Windows RT because it offers the most battery life. I don’t want to re-charge this tablet device during the day. I want to put in a full days’s work and charge it at night. I’ve been curious to know what, if any, differences there will be for Office 2013 for WinRT. This article begins to answer my question. Now, I want to know about Visual Studio 2012 on WInRT.
- Office Next – Click-to-Run and Office on demand :: Read all about how Click-to-run operates on your system. This is the future for OAAS (Office as a Service).
- Why Nokia Lumia 920 is another great Windows Phone nobody will buy :: I enjoy opinions but sometimes I think the cool tech journalists believe their opinions matter most. From what I have seen of this phone, it’s a winner.
- Sage offers first accountancy app in Office Store :: This is good news for small business. Since Microsoft Office Accounting didn’t make it (and who thought it would?), Sage’s support of the Office App Store means options! Sage is a legitimate alternative to QuickBooks. I am looking forward to seeing this offering.
Office tips & tricks & tools
- Comments and revisions in Word 2013 :: Whenever MSFT releases a new version of Office, one of the first features I want to review is Word comments. I’ve long wanted the ability to
respond to comments as if they are a thread on a discussion board. And now, with Word 2013, all I have to say is FINALLY! This feature alone will cause me to tell everyone to upgrade.
- Lights.. Camera.. Action! Adding videos to your Word documents :: File this under, "I would not have thought of this idea myself". After reading the article, I am looking for a reason to create a video and embed in a Word document. Heck, it might save me a lot of typing.
- Getting hands-on with the new Word :: Third Word item of the day. This blog post details how to use word on a touch device. I can report that I have used Word on a touch device. It’s not a bad experience. It’s also not a great experience. There is much to like in Word 2013’s touch support. There are also things that will cause frustration…like Word not recognizing what I’m touching. I have a hunch that this issue is due to my hardware. I doubt my hardware will compare favorably to oncoming onslaught of Windows touch devices.
- The implications of Outlook 2013 changing OST cache behavior :: I noticed that emails older than 6 months ago were not in my Outlook file system. Instead of panicking, I visited Outlook Web Access and found the emails on the server. So, I went investigating and this article is what I found.
- Smart Contacts for Outlook – your way to manage Outlook contacts :: If you haven’t seen this new tool from, please check it out. There are many features here that will help you manage your contacts. I especially find the Easy Search and Contacts in Categories features to be useful.