Pieter van der Westhuizen

Working with Excel cell values, formulas and formatting: C# code samples

If you look at the title of this article, it almost sums up what Microsoft Excel is. Without cells, values and formulas, you just cannot get much done in Excel. Of course everything is contained within worksheets and workbooks and you can do so much more with Excel, but at the heart of it all lies cells.

In this article we’ll take a closer look at manipulating Excel cells in your Add-in Express based Excel add-ins. There are a number of ways to reference cells in Excel. Keep in mind though that the Excel object model does not have any object called Cell, you must always use the Range object.

Retrieving all cells

The Worksheet object contains a Cells property that is a Range object that comprises a reference to all the cells in the Worksheet. You can get a reference to a Worksheet object by either using the ActiveSheet or WorkSheets properties of the Excel Application.

The following C# code retrieves a reference to the Cells property and displays the number of rows and columns in the active work sheet:

Excel._Workbook workBook = null;
Excel._Worksheet workSheet = null;
Excel.Range cellsRange = null;
Excel.Range columnRange = null;
Excel.Range rowRange = null;
int numberOfColumns = 0;
int numberOfRows = 0;
    workBook = ExcelApp.ActiveWorkbook;                
    workSheet = ExcelApp.ActiveSheet as Excel._Worksheet;
    cellsRange = workSheet.Cells;
    columnRange = cellsRange.Columns;
    rowRange = cellsRange.Rows;
    numberOfColumns = columnRange.Count;
    numberOfRows = rowRange.Count;
        "There are {0} columns and {1} rows in the Worksheet",
        numberOfColumns, numberOfRows));                
    if (rowRange != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(rowRange);
    if (columnRange != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(columnRange);
    if (cellsRange != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(cellsRange);
    if (workSheet != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(workSheet);
    if (workBook != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(workBook);

Getting multiple cells

You can retrieve multiple Excel cells by either specifying the row and columns number for the Range object or you can use the Range objects’ get_Range method. This method allows you to retrieve a Range object by specifying the address of the cells e.g. A1:H9. The code listing is as follows:

Excel._Workbook workBook = null;
Excel._Worksheet workSheet = null;
Excel.Range allCellsRange = null;
Excel.Range firstCellRange = null;
Excel.Range secondCellRange = null;
    workBook = ExcelApp.ActiveWorkbook;
    workSheet = ExcelApp.ActiveSheet as Excel._Worksheet;
    allCellsRange = workSheet.Cells;
    firstCellRange = allCellsRange[3, 1] as Excel.Range;
    firstCellRange.Value = "First Range Value";
    secondCellRange = allCellsRange.get_Range("C2:F7");
    secondCellRange.Value = "Second Range Value";
    if (secondCellRange != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(secondCellRange);
    if (firstCellRange != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(firstCellRange);
    if (allCellsRange != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(allCellsRange);
    if (workSheet != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(workSheet);
    if (workBook != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(workBook);

As you can see in the above code listing, to set the value of multiple cells, you need to set the Value property. You might also notice a Value2 property, which is an interesting one and reading more about this property on MSDN yielded the following piece of information, which is good to know:

“The only difference between this property and the Value property is that the Value2 property doesn’t use the Currency and Date data types. You can return values formatted with these data types as floating-point numbers by using the Double data type.” Find more on MSDN.

Retrieving selected cells

So far we’ve only discussed retrieving a collection of cells programmatically, next, let’s look at how you can get a reference to the Range of cells the user has selected. Do this by using the Selection property of the Excel Application object. Be careful though, the selection is not always a Range object, the user could have selected a chart or an image. Add the following code:

Excel.Range selectedCellsRange = null;
Excel.Range columnRange = null;
Excel.Range rowRange = null;
int numberOfColumns = 0;
int numberOfRows = 0;
    if (ExcelApp.Selection is Excel.Range)
        selectedCellsRange = ExcelApp.Selection as Excel.Range;
        columnRange = selectedCellsRange.Columns;
        rowRange = selectedCellsRange.Rows;
        numberOfColumns = columnRange.Count;
        numberOfRows = rowRange.Count;
            "You've selected {0} columns and {1} rows. The selection address is {2}",
            numberOfColumns, numberOfRows, selectedCellsRange.Address));
    if (rowRange != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(rowRange);
    if (columnRange != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(columnRange);
    if (selectedCellsRange != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(selectedCellsRange);

You will notice that in the above code we used the Address property of the Range object. This will return a string containing the selected cells’ addresses e.g. $A$1:$D$3

Setting Excel cell formulas

Let’s take what we’ve learned so far and use it to set cell formulas. You’ll need to get the Range object for the cells which formula you wish to set and then set its Formula property:

Excel.Range selectedRange = null;
    selectedRange = ExcelApp.Selection as Excel.Range;
    selectedRange.Formula = "=SUM(A1:A7)";
    if (selectedRange != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(selectedRange);

Displaying the Insert Function dialog

If you want the user to choose which Excel function they want to insert, you can show the Insert Function dialog programmatically by using the Excel Application objects’ Dialogs collection.

Showing the Insert Function dialog programmatically

Excel.Dialogs dialogs = null;
Excel.Dialog insertFunctionDialog = null;
    dialogs = ExcelApp.Dialogs;
    insertFunctionDialog = dialogs[Excel.XlBuiltInDialog.xlDialogFunctionWizard];
    if (insertFunctionDialog != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(insertFunctionDialog);
    if (dialogs != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(dialogs);

Formatting cells

Setting cell number formats, font, foreground and background colors are done in a similar fashion as setting cell values. You first need to get a reference to the Excel Range object which formatting you want to change. In the following code, we get a reference to the selected cells and set their number format to a custom format, the font to bold, foreground color to white and the background color to blue.

Excel.Range selectedRange = null;
Excel.Font font = null;
Excel.Interior interior = null;
    selectedRange = ExcelApp.Selection as Excel.Range;
    selectedRange.NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00_);($#,##0.00)";
    font = selectedRange.Font;
    font.Bold = true;
    font.Color = System.Drawing.Color.White;
    interior = selectedRange.Interior;
    interior.Pattern = Excel.Constants.xlSolid;
    interior.Color = System.Drawing.Color.DarkBlue;
    if (interior != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(interior);
    if (font != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(font);
    if (selectedRange != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(selectedRange);

Thank you for reading. Until next time, keep coding!

Available downloads:

This sample Excel add-in was developed using Add-in Express for Office and .net:

Excel Cell Format add-in for Excel (C#)

Excel add-in development in Visual Studio for beginners:


  • Nuku says:

    I am able to populate an excel file with datagrid view in vb.net. I then want to rank the exported records in excel. How can i do that?

  • Pieter van der Westhuizen says:

    Hi Nuku,

    When you say you want to rank the records in Excel, do you mean you want to sort them? If so, have a look at the Sort method on the Range object. Also, have a look at the How to: Programmatically Sort Data in Worksheets MSDN article.

    Hope this helps!

  • bukko says:

    How do you (in C#) add new rows which continue the formulae of previous rows?

    For example, column C may be the sum of columns A and B, D may be the product.
    Assuming I don’t know what these are, how to I add new rows which keep the same formulae but applied to these rows, i.e. the equivalent of selecting the existing cells and dragging the corner handle down to create new rows with matching calculations?


  • Pieter van der Westhuizen says:

    Hi Bukko,

    Have a look at the AutoFill method of the Range object.
    First select the first row that contains the formula (as a Range object), then cal the AutoFill method and pass in the range you wish to fill. Set the Type parameter to xlFillDefault.
    This should copy the formula from the previous rows.

    Hope this helps!

  • eme says:

    Is there a way to retreive the formatting associated with a workbook cell in vb.net 2013?

  • Pieter van der Westhuizen says:

    Hi eme,

    You can get the selected cell formatting by using the following code in vb:
    Dim selectedRange As Excel.Range = Nothing
    Dim font As Excel.Font = Nothing

    selectedRange = TryCast(ExcelApp.Selection, Excel.Range)
    Dim numberFormat = selectedRange.NumberFormat

    font = selectedRange.Font

    If font IsNot Nothing Then
    End If
    If selectedRange IsNot Nothing Then
    End If
    End Try

    Hope this helps!

  • khushbu says:


    Do you tell me how to fetch list of all available custom number formats in excel through c#. I am using Netoffice API for it.

    I need to delete custom formats which are not in use.

  • khushbu says:

    Hi Andrei,

    Thanks for you help.

    It seems the link proposes the idea of looping through excel cells and getting it’s format.

    But, instead of reading excel cells can we pull number format for workbook by reading Format Cells dialog box which appear after right click on sheet.

    I do not want to loop through cells as I have hundreds of values in my worksheet.


  • khushbu says:

    I am using NetOffice Api with excel addin.

    Hope this helps

  • Andrei Smolin (Add-in Express Team) says:

    I don’t use NetOffice.

    > It seems the link proposes the idea of looping through excel cells and getting it’s format.

    You can run the VBA macro in the last post to check how it works. Anyway, this is all you have.

  • Kardinal says:

    Where to write the code for retrieving the cells from excel in asp.net in?
    page load
    what will be the axps code?

  • Andrei Smolin (Add-in Express Team) says:

    Hello Kardinal,

    We don’t provide support for asp.net solutions. So I can’t tell you what event to use. What I know is: you need to call Range.Value to retrieve the value(s) of the cell(s) constituting the range. The result is a value (for a single cell) or an array of value (for a range of cells).

  • Tony Fong says:

    Hi Pieter

    When I try to retrieve cell value from an Excel Table list, column 2 is a formula which set to column 1 (i.e. =[@Column1]). In the following code, column 1 can be retrieved properly to sVal1 but column 2 cannot. When debug, found that no matter what attribute under the cell e.g. Value2, Text, Formula, FormulaR1C1, all are nothing. But when I change the formula of column 2 to be “=B1”, it is OK. Do you want how to retrieve cell value when formula involved column name? Thanks for your help.

    Below is VB.NET code
    Dim xList As Excel.ListObject
    Dim sVal1 As String
    Dim sVal2 As String

    ‘… already assign a valid Table List to xList properly here …
    sVal1 = xList.Range.Cells(2, 1).Value2 ‘OK no problem
    sVal2 = xList.Range.Cells(2, 2).Value2 ‘nothing can retrieve when (2,2) is a formula pointing to column1

  • Andrei Smolin (Add-in Express Team) says:

    Hello Tony,

    Could you please send us a workbook with such a table list? Please use the contact form at https://www.add-in-express.com/support/askus.php.

  • Ioszono says:

    Please, any person, how to use activesheet.unprotect Password = “12345” in c#, some example?

  • sahana says:


    is there any way to get the count of rows in excel which contains data . i don’t want to count all the rows. only rows which has data .

  • Andrei Smolin (Add-in Express Team) says:

    Hello sahana,

    Check Worksheet.UsedRange; see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office/vba/api/excel.worksheet.usedrange. The see Range.Rows.Count.

  • Jaswant says:


    in some excel version show @ beform formula

  • Andrei Smolin (Add-in Express Team) says:

    Hello Jaswant,

    In Excel, the @ symbol is called the implicit intersection operator. The following article explains how it works and why it is added: Implicit intersection and @ operator in Excel 365.

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