Dmitry Kostochko

Video HowTo: Resize Advanced Task Pane programmatically (VB.NET)

To resize your custom Office task pane, you need to use the trivial Width and Height properties of the particular instance of your task pane. There is just one important thing – the Splitter property should be set to None.

Now let’s see how it works:

In this example, we use Advanced Excel Task Panes, but you can do the same with Advanced Task Panes in Word and PowerPoint as well as with Advanced View and Form Regions in Outlook.

This sample video was captured in Visual Studio 2008 (VB.NET) with Add-in Express 2009 for Office and .net.

You may also be interested in:

Creating custom Excel task panes
Developing custom Outlook forms
MS Word and PowerPoint task panes capabilities


  • Ankur says:

    I am creating add in through add in express full sdk. can you please tell me how can we restrict the end user to resize the addin pane.

  • Andrei Smolin (Add-in Express Team) says:

    Hello Ankur,

    You need to use the ADXSplitterMove event of the pane class.

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