Add-in Express™ for Microsoft® Office and Delphi® VCL
Add-in Express for Delphi VCL components
To make building add-ins, plugins, smart tags and RTD servers on Delphi more straightforward and fast
Add-in Express for Office and VCL adds several technology-specific components that implement properties,
methods and events of the corresponding Office objects and COM interfaces. These components are command bars and menus, menu
items and buttons (command bar buttons), edit and combo boxes (command bar combo boxes), smart tags, smart tag actions,
RTD servers and RTD topics, Office ribbons and application menus, etc. All Add-in Express components are
grouped into three modules - adxAddIn, adxSmartTag, adxRTDServ.
Module: adxAddIn.pas
MS Office Object |
Add-in Express Component |
Technology-specific objects and interfaces |
COM Add-in Module |
IRibbonExtensibility |
COM Add-in Module
It is the main module of any Microsoft Office
add-in projects. The add-in module centralizes the add-in's logic and provides special components and to create custom Office
ribbons, menus, command bars / toolbars and to access the host application's objects and events.

Components and classes |
Event Components
Some Office application events are important for Delphi and Office developers.
In order to organize a pool of these events and correctly handle them, all these events are wrapped by special Delphi components
that group events by Office application.

Keyboard Shortcut component
The component allows you to create a new or override an existing
application-level keyboard shortcut for all applications from all Office versions, from 2000 to 2021/365

Built-in Control Connector component
The component allows you to intercept actions of any ID-based built-in controls of
your host application. For example, you can handle the Click event of the Send button in Outlook.

Visual components |
Office 2000 - 2007 Menus and Toolbars |
Command Bar component
Add-in Express includes a unified CommandCar component that you can use
to create your custom Office toolbar or modify any existing (built-in) command bar including menu bars and pop-up menus.
The component adds, stores and manages all controls that have been added to the command bar with the Controls collection.

Controls Collection Editor

Outlook Explorer and Inspector Command Bar components
For Outlook developers, Add-in Express offers two Outlook toolbar components,
for the Explorer and Inspector windows.
The first adds a new toolbar / command bar or modifies the existing
ones on the Outlook Explorer windows, the latter customizes toolbars on the Inspector window.

Main Menu component
Add-in Express for Office and Delphi VCL provides a component for customizing CommandBar based main menus in pre-ribbon
Office applications. You use it to create custom menu items and add your items well as built-in ones to any existing Microsoft Office
main menu. You can managing the custom controls you added to the main menu of Microsoft Office applications using the Controls collection.
The first adds a new toolbar / command bar or modifies the existing
ones on the Outlook Explorer windows, the latter customizes toolbars on the Inspector window.
Visual Designer for the Office Main Menu component

Outlook-specific main menus |
Outlook Explorer and Inspector Main Menu components
To address Outlook menu bar specificities, Add-in Express for Office and Delphi VCL provides two
Outlook main menu components: for the Explorer and Inspector windows. The first adds a custom menu item or modifies existing ones in the main menu of the Outlook Explorer
windows, the latter customizes main menus on the Inspector window.

Context Menu component
This is a special component for customizing a context menu in Office 2000 - 2007. Note that in
these Office versions, context menus are CommandBar based and you need to use the Ribbon context menu component to customize context menus
in Office 2010 - 2021. To be consistent with the design pattern of all CommandBar-based components, the Context Menu component provides
the Controls collection.
Visual Designer for the Office Context Menu component
Toolbar (command bar) buttons
Menu items
Pop-up menu items
Edit boxes
Combo boxes
Dropdown lists
Pop-up menus
Built-in command bar controls
Advanced command bar controls |
Command Bar Control components
In the Controls collection of the command bar components, you can use all toolbar controls
provided by the Office object model, including CommandBarButton (represents menu items or buttons on a command bar),
CommandBarComboBox (edit and combo boxes, dropdown lists), CommandBarPopup (represents sub-menus or pop-up menus on a toolbar).
In addition, you can place on your toolbars any ID-based built-in controls.

Office Ribbon UI |
Ribbon Tab
Office Menu
Quick Access Toolbar
Ribbon Context Menus
Ribbon components
To make the support of the Ribbon UI easier, Add-in Express offers
four Delphi components that empower you to customize Ribbon tabs, the Office Menu and Quick Access Toolbar.
Visual designer for Ribbon tabs

Delphi components for Smart Tags
Module: adxSmartTag.pas
MS Office Object |
Add-in Express Component
Technology-specific objects and interfaces |
Smart Tag Module |
ISmartTagRecognizer2 |
Smart Tag Module
It is the main module of any smart tag projects on Delphi that shares one recognizer for smart tag components, centralizes all smart tags and their actions, provides access to host application objects.
Visual designer

Smart Tag Actions |
ISmartTagAction2 |
Smart Tag Action component
The Smart Tag Action component provides methods, properties and events to customize any smart tag that is associated with a recognizable word list or a dynamic recognizer. It contains the Actions collection that helps organize smart tag actions and handle them.

Delphi components for Excel RTD Servers
Module: adxRTDServ.pas
MS Office Object |
Add-in Express Component
Technology-specific objects and interfaces |
RTD Server Module |
RTD Server Module
It is the main module of any Excel Real-Time Data Server projects that shares one IRTDServer for RTD topic components, centralizes all topics, provides access to host application objects.
Visual designer

RTD Topics |
RTD Server Topic component
The RTD Server Topic component provides methods, properties and events to customize any RTD topic's actions that are associated with an item of the RTD function and is handled by the published event.
