Find command bar controls IDs
with Built-in Control Scanner

Add-in Express™
Free tools and components

Built-in Control Scanner

You use Built-in Controls Scanner to find command bar names and built-in controls IDs.

Office provides a common term for toolbars, menus and context menus. This term is command bar. Command bars are distinguished by their names while command bar controls are distinguished by their IDs. Custom command bar controls can be placed before or after a given built-in control. For instance, you may want to place your custom button before the Save button. To achieve this, you use the Built-in Control Scanner to find the ID of the Save button. Then you use this ID in the code that adds your control. Note that in Add-in Express command bar control components, you would just specify the ID of the Save button in the BeforeIdMso property of your control.

How to find a command bar associated with a context menu

  • Start the Office application.
  • Start the scanner.
  • In the Office application, invoke the popup menu of your choice.
  • In the scanner, choose the appropriate radio button and click the Scan button.
  • Find the command bar associated with the context menu and see its controls.

Find the ID of a command bar control.

Download the Built-in Control Scanner