F6 cycle in Excel - custom Task Pane activation

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F6 cycle in Excel - custom Task Pane activation
Need to be able to activate a custom task pane using F6 
DevTools Corptax

Posts: 25
Joined: 2012-12-02
Hi - I have been asked to work on Accessibility issues for our Excel Add-in and one of the primary issues is that we need our Custom Task Pane to be accessible from the keyboard using the F6 cycle that allows you to activate any other built-in task panes (e.g. PivotTable, Help, etc.)

I have found a really old (2012) post asking for something similar, but it appears they went on to switching to use a VSTO task pane.


I'd prefer to continue to use the ADX task pane that I have been for many years... is there a way at this point to allow it to be accessed through the F6 iteration? Perhaps I need to register it somehow for this to occur?

Posted 08 Aug, 2022 13:16:03 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18948
Joined: 2006-05-11
Hello John,

Alas, no such way exist. There's no Office API allowing to add a window to that cycle.

Regards from Poland (CEST),

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader
Posted 09 Aug, 2022 03:03:51 Top