How to build the adxloader.MYADDINNAME.dll adxloader64.MYADDINNAME.dll on a build server?

Add-in Express™ Support Service
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How to build the adxloader.MYADDINNAME.dll adxloader64.MYADDINNAME.dll on a build server?
if i use msbuild to build the addin solution, the adxloader assembly is not created and not copied to out folder  

Posts: 73
Joined: 2017-10-05
Hello Andrei,

because I cannot answer to the existing thread: I create a new one.

Ok. What I want is:
- adxloader.<addinname>.dll has to be modified with version number in our build environment.

The problem:
- there is no visual studio running on that build environment.
- currently we have the problem that visual studio modifies the version number and other information in the if this files are commited, we create a "wrong" product.

best regards.
Posted 27 Mar, 2019 03:45:12 Top
Dmitry Kostochko

Add-in Express team

Posts: 2875
Joined: 2004-04-05
Hi Dirk,

- adxloader.<addinname>.dll has to be modified with version number in our build environment.

You can use the adxpatch.exe tool to update the version number of your loaders:
adxpath.exe [file_path] [options]

/? or /h: shows help dialog.

You can find adxpatch.exe tool in the Bin sub folder of the Add-in Express installation folder.
Posted 27 Mar, 2019 05:09:17 Top