'Received' property in inbox items

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'Received' property in inbox items
how to set 'Received property in custom added new message in inbox 
gaurav mittal


i created a custom form in outlook and am adding it in inbox via code. my inbox super grid is set to be sort by 'received date' which means i am not able to see my newly added form. i can see my newly added form at the bottom of my outlook super grid under the section 'None'. i guess it is due to the fact that i never set my item's 'received' property. my issue is if i set this property in code, it shows me that it is a read only field. any suggestions about a workaround?

i am using "Add-in Express 2010 for Microsoft Office and .net, Standard" , v604-b3056 . i intend to use this feature in outlook 2010 professional.
Posted 14 Sep, 2011 01:36:43 Top
Eugene Astafiev


Hi Gaurav,

You are right! The Outlook Object Model provides the RecievedTime property (of the MailItem, MobileIte and etc. classes) which is read-only. As a workaround you may try to use a low level Extended MAPI code to set this property or use any third-party library (for example, Redemption).
Posted 14 Sep, 2011 03:36:12 Top