Upgrade Add-in Express

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Upgrade Add-in Express
Considerations when upgrading Add-in Express - Citrix 
Cathy Schaeffer


In a response to a previous topic, it was recommended that we upgrade to the latest version of Add-in Express for Office and .net. We already have some add-ins on the servers running within Citrix, which were not easy to deply.

Are the GUIDs on the addin dll's the same fr om version to version? Can I just copy the new DLL's to the directories wh ere they are already loaded, or do I have to create another whole setup project for my addin?

We don't want to create more problems than we solve. Please advise.

Thank you.
Posted 03 Jun, 2011 11:10:52 Top
Eugene Astafiev


Hi Cathy,

Yes, you can try replacing all the dll files with new ones (including the adxloader.dll file in the Loader folder of your project with a new one from the Redistributables folder). Also please check out the GAC for old assemblies. Does it help? May I see fresh log files?
Posted 06 Jun, 2011 03:09:09 Top