[request] description text property for commandbars

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[request] description text property for commandbars
Sven Heitmann

Posts: 193
Joined: 2004-08-23
i have seen that controls do have a description property and i wonder why do commandbars don't have one?

however i find it is usefull, at least for me because i have to do some dialog to enable/disable the commandbars i've add with adx so our customers know what it is for

best regards
Best regards,

Sven Heitmann
Posted 05 Sep, 2004 11:29:16 Top
Eugene Starostin


Hi Sven,

Doesn't the CommandBar object have such a property?
Posted 06 Sep, 2004 05:58:52 Top
Sven Heitmann

Posts: 193
Joined: 2004-08-23
hm... i don't have seen one...

i'll check it when i'm at home, at least there is no property in the designerview

in your documentation is no property listed whereas for commandbarcontrol it is...
Best regards,

Sven Heitmann
Posted 06 Sep, 2004 06:45:55 Top
Eugene Starostin



I mean that the Office.CommandBar object doesn't contain this property.
Posted 06 Sep, 2004 07:12:32 Top
Sven Heitmann

Posts: 193
Joined: 2004-08-23
oh... my mistake... i do not knew that the Office.CommandbarControl object does contain this property, i thought it is one you have add to ADXCommandBarControl... however what do you think about a DescriptionText for ADXCommandBar?
Best regards,

Sven Heitmann
Posted 06 Sep, 2004 07:26:54 Top
Eugene Starostin


I cannot figure out how you are going to use this property. It won't be available from Word's object model.
Posted 06 Sep, 2004 07:59:36 Top
Sven Heitmann

Posts: 193
Joined: 2004-08-23
but from within my addin module i can use this property, e.g. i do a dialog to enable/disable the commandbars i've add with adx

i use the references to the adxcommandbars to enable/disable them and to show some information

for this situation, a description text would be usefull too
Best regards,

Sven Heitmann
Posted 06 Sep, 2004 09:05:01 Top
Eugene Starostin


Now I see. We will add this property to build 1707.
Posted 06 Sep, 2004 09:26:09 Top
Sven Heitmann

Posts: 193
Joined: 2004-08-23
great :)
thanks a lot
Best regards,

Sven Heitmann
Posted 06 Sep, 2004 13:44:05 Top
Sergey Grischenko

Add-in Express team

Posts: 7233
Joined: 2004-07-05
Hi Sven,

we have just uploaded a new build of ADX.

Could you test it.
Posted 07 Sep, 2004 08:01:14 Top