How to Switch off the Add-in

Add-in Express™ Support Service
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How to Switch off the Add-in
How to Switch off the Add-in if Outlook is offline 


Hi Guys,

I need access to Outlook public folders, and sometimes when offline or for other reasons they may not be available.

Is there a global way to stop the add-in loading if stuff I need is missing. So for example if when I am going through the initialization tests for my app i find that I don't have access to something important?

I have lots of objects (forms, events being tracked etc) and if there is a way to just unload the app this time that would be handy - rather than having to stop each item when it tries to start. (Next time Outlook starts it may be Online so the apps should run as normal)
Posted 18 Nov, 2010 12:12:06 Top
Eugene Astafiev


Hi David,

Please have a look at the forum thread. It states:

Unfortunately you can't disable the add-in on the fly. Instead you can disable or remove the UI and logic of the add-in.

To achieve this, you can remove all components from the add-in module (and unsubscribe from its events) in two events of the add-in module:
- OnRibbonBeforeCreate; it's the first event that occurs if your add-in is loaded by a Ribbon-enabled Office application
- AddinInitialize; it's the first event that occurs if your add-in is loaded by a nonRibboned Office application.
Posted 19 Nov, 2010 04:37:31 Top