VS Setup project for Outlook Addin

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VS Setup project for Outlook Addin

Posts: 50
Joined: 2010-10-17

Is it unnecessary to add the .NET, PIA and VSTO Bootstrapper packages as prerequisites to the setup project created to deploy the addin?

Sorry if it's a silly question - they were required when I create the Addin using the straight addin template project, and I don't have a full understanding of how Addin Express works yet, and I need to get a version out today :-)

Posted 18 Oct, 2010 04:57:29 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18827
Joined: 2006-05-11
Hi Craig,

Non-supplying .NET may end with showing a messagebox requiring the user to install .NET Framework. Non-supplying PIAs may prevent your add-in from functioning with error messages thrown to a user's face. As to VSTO Bootstrapper VSTO doesn't have anything to do with Add-in Express and no VSTO files are required for your add-in to function. Maybe, you talk about a bootstrapper, not VSTO bootstrapper. If this is the case, then the bootstrapper is required if you need to supply pre-requisites.

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader
Posted 18 Oct, 2010 08:28:02 Top