Add-in Express crashes excel, word when network cable unplugged

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Add-in Express crashes excel, word when network cable unplugged
Add-in Express crashes excel, word when network cable unplugged 
wen huang


We are still using Add-in Express 2005 and we realise that Add-in express will crash Excel, Word or Outlook when there is not network, i.e. laptop with network cable unplugged.

We know adx assemblies are signed and we have tried clearing the "Check for publisher's certificate revocation" in Internet Options and it's still crashing.

We have clients that wants to run adx on their laptop and their laptop may not be always plugged in to a network.

Please advise a solutions.

Posted 20 Sep, 2010 03:16:57 Top
Eugene Astafiev


Hi Wen,

How can I reproduce the issue you described on my PC? Could you please provide me with step-by-step instructions or may be a sample project?

BTW Could you specify the build number of Add-in Express?
Posted 20 Sep, 2010 03:51:10 Top
wen huang



We are using Add-in Express 2007 for .NET, Standard, version is 3.4.1868.

The crash doesn't happen when I build a simple hello world add in. So it's something to do with our project, but I have no idea what causes the crash as it crashes before it even hits AddinModule_AddinInitialize(). As soon as the network cable gets plugged in, it works fine.

Our current work around is to have a reg file to set the load behavior to 2 and that will stop the crash. But we need a proper solution.

Our add in is quite large and has been running for few years for our clients, it's way too expensive to rewrite the whole thing from scrath.
Posted 20 Sep, 2010 19:34:36 Top
Eugene Astafiev


Hi Wen,

The crash doesn't happen when I build a simple hello world add in.

Please try to comment all the code. Then you can try to add (uncomment) code incrementally, and see at what code it starts crashing.

BTW What OS and Visual Studio version do you use?
Posted 21 Sep, 2010 03:54:51 Top
wen huang


The crash happens after the InitializeComponent() and before it hits AddinModule_AddinInitialize(). It basically crashed before running any of my code, I can run "return;" as the first line in AddinInitialize() and it would still crash.

The error is "An unhandled exception of type 'System.StackOverflowException' occurred in mscorlib.dll" in debug mode.

The crash happens on both vista and xp, i am using visual studio 2005.

I sort of have a work around now, I will do a check in constructor, if network is down then skip InitializeComponent()...this will disable the addin and let word load. But is there a better way and I would like to find out what's causing the stackoverflow.
Posted 21 Sep, 2010 18:47:52 Top
Eugene Astafiev


Hi Wen,

It looks like the cause of the issue is one of the components you use in the add-in module. What components do you use in the add-in project? Did you figured out which one?
Posted 22 Sep, 2010 04:50:40 Top