What is the preferred method of development for Outlook custom forms?

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What is the preferred method of development for Outlook custom forms?
David R.

Posts: 55
Joined: 2010-07-22
According to this page, http://www.add-in-express.com/docs/net-outlook-forms.php Outlook has the ability to create a custom form based on the default forms of type IPM with the corresponding MessageClass such as contact, appointment, task, etc.

One advantage of these custom forms designed within Outlook is that controls added to a custom form can be bound to a default Outlook property, or to a user defined property without any code. In this way all values are stored within Outlook's storage environment be that a local PST or an Exchange server.

Using the samples for Add-In Express I have created a form using the ADXOlForm control. That form is the container for any other type of control, even third party controls, and following the instructions that ADXOlForm has been added to the default Outlook forms, such as mail or task which is very impressive.

However, is it possible to import an Outlook custom form into the Add-In Express Forms Manager and then be able to access the events, values, and properties of the controls on that form?

Posted 23 Jul, 2010 11:24:32 Top
David R.

Posts: 55
Joined: 2010-07-22
This other post in the forum should be of assistance.
Posted 23 Jul, 2010 13:38:28 Top
David R.

Posts: 55
Joined: 2010-07-22
My software development background is primarily UNIX scripting, Oracle PL/SQL and ASP.NET. With an ASP.NET project I would first create a database schema (tables, views, index). Then on creating the ASP.NET web forms, the controls would be bound either early or late to a database field for persistent storage.

Is programming for Outlook similar to that model? Outlook appears to be very flexible since the built in form designer allows the creation of User Defined Fields thereby extending the schema of an Outlook MessageClass item (IPM). If that's the case, using the ADXOlForm object, can I populate a form with controls (textbox) and at runtime have the values saved to an Outlook field that doesn't yet exist, or will I need to create the required User Defined Fields in advance?
Posted 23 Jul, 2010 14:43:34 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18829
Joined: 2006-05-11
Hi David,

The custom forms created with Add-in Express just extend the UI of a built-in or custom Outlook form. Unlike fields on a custom form, a field on an Add-in Express form isn't bound to a built-in or user-defined property of the corresponding Outlook item.

That is, with Add-in Express you have to create all user-defined properties in your code.

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader
Posted 26 Jul, 2010 04:55:09 Top