Registering COM objects in ClickOnce publishing wizard

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Registering COM objects in ClickOnce publishing wizard
Yuri Astrakhan

Posts: 53
Joined: 2006-05-19
My XLL addin contains several COM objects in several .NET assemblies that need to be exposed to VBA. The "Register for COM interop" build property is set to true, and the TLB files are generated and copied into the build folder.
All needed DLLs have 3 attributes: [assembly: Guid("...")] [assembly: ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.AutoDual)] [assembly: ComVisible(true)]

I need to automate registration of those TLB/DLL files. I could do it manually, by going into VBA/References dialog box, and browsing to the clickonce installation dir, but would like to automate the process.

I noticed that the publishing Wizard has a COMLibrary setting, but I couldn't find any documentation for that feature. Does it work with TLBs? Does it remember settings each time i publish a new version?

Posted 29 Apr, 2010 09:28:42 Top
Sergey Grischenko

Add-in Express team

Posts: 7233
Joined: 2004-07-05
Hi Yuri.

This feature works with .NET assemblies only. You need to select the COMLibrary value whenever you populate files.
Posted 29 Apr, 2010 13:02:14 Top