Web Service calls fail when made from my Outlook Property Page

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Web Service calls fail when made from my Outlook Property Page
Joe Zuffoletto

Posts: 21
Joined: 2005-11-07
I'm writing an add-in for Outlook that connects to our hosted infrastructure using Web Services. I have a simple web service call that authenticates a user based on email address and password. It works fine when invoked from a command bar button in an adxOlMailExplorerCommandBar, but when invoked from a button on my property page it always fails. Everything seems to be in order right up to the time of the web service method invocation, but the invocation itself fails. I can't debug it without crashing Outlook. Is there anything funky about threading, etc. in a property page that might be causing this? Thanks.
Posted 01 Dec, 2005 21:41:16 Top
Sergey Grischenko

Add-in Express team

Posts: 7233
Joined: 2004-07-05
Hi Joe.

I have just tested a simple web service which I call from an option page in Outlook and it works fine for me. Can I look at your code?
Posted 02 Dec, 2005 08:54:51 Top
Joe Zuffoletto

Posts: 21
Joined: 2005-11-07

Easier said than done! Let me bang on it for a while longer. If I have no luck I'll ship it to you.

Thanks - Joe
Posted 03 Dec, 2005 13:22:29 Top