registration e-mail address training

Add-in Express™ Support Service
That's what is more important than anything else

registration e-mail address training
Change of e-mail address 
Matt Driver


Posts: 152
Joined: 2004-08-17

I recently bought .net add-in using my IT managers credit card which is registered to Ian Cunningham e-mail <xxx>. I am the developer that will be using the add-in my details are Matthew Driver using the e-mail address <xxx> Could you please update my support registration.

Posted 17 Aug, 2004 03:00:56 Top
Eugene Starostin


Hi Matt,

I have just updated your support record in our DB.
Also I have changed your original message and hided all e-mail address to avoid e-mail grabbers :-)
Posted 17 Aug, 2004 03:11:49 Top