Weird problem with Outlook plug-in

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Weird problem with Outlook plug-in
Kevin Moore

Posts: 93
Joined: 2008-12-03

I have developed a plug-in for Outlook and I have a user that is relating a problem that the is having and I am unable to recreate it. I am hoping that you might be able to provide some way to debug this.

Basically the problem is that when my plug-in is activated, none of his emails are actually sent. From what I understand, he composes a new email, presses send, the email appears to send and is in his Sent Items folder but the email didn't actually go through.

I am really quite stumped as to how I can diagnose this because I can't reproduce it. Do you have any ideas?

Posted 31 Jul, 2009 12:59:21 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18825
Joined: 2006-05-11
Hi Kevin,

Please make sure that this problem is caused by your add-in. The issue occurs if you change a property of an e-mail in Sent Items. On my home PC, when I open Sent Items, Kaspersky does this for the first e-mail in the list.

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader
Posted 31 Jul, 2009 14:35:45 Top
Kevin Moore

Posts: 93
Joined: 2008-12-03

I'm pretty sure this is caused by my add-in. My user had disable all others and identified my add-in as the source of this problem.

Can you expand on your description and explanation? What do you mean that this issue occurs if you change a property on an email in Sent Items? An who/what is Kaspersky?

Posted 31 Jul, 2009 14:42:35 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18825
Joined: 2006-05-11

Please check what you do with selected e-mails in ExplorerSelectionChange, ExplorerActivate, ExplorerFolderSwitch, ExplorerBeforeFolderSwitch, ExplorerViewSwitch, ExplorerBeforeViewSwitch. Try commenting that code and test the add-in on the customer's PC. Maybe you just don't release the e-mails or its attachments, user properties (this also applies to their collections: Attachments, UserProperties), etc.

Kaspersky is an antivirus software. It provides two Outlook add-ins and one of them is responsible for the issue on my home PC.

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader
Posted 31 Jul, 2009 15:05:44 Top
Kevin Moore

Posts: 93
Joined: 2008-12-03

Here is the only code that I have in any of the events you mentioned:

Private Sub adxOutlookEvents_ExplorerSelectionChange(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal explorer As Object) Handles adxOutlookEvents.ExplorerSelectionChange

If Not itEvents Is Nothing Then itEvents.RemoveConnection()

Dim active As Outlook.Explorer
active = OutlookApp.ActiveExplorer
Dim selection As Outlook.Selection = Nothing


selection = active.Selection

Catch ex As Exception

End Try

If Not selection Is Nothing Then

If selection.Count > 0 Then
itEvents = New OutlookItemEventsClass1(Me)
Dim item As Object
item = selection.Item(1)
itEvents.ConnectTo(item, True)
End If
End If


End Sub

It appears that the email is being set as having an offline status and that is why it isn't being sent. I asked my user to disable his anti-virus and try it again to see what happens.
Posted 31 Jul, 2009 19:26:46 Top
Kevin Moore

Posts: 93
Joined: 2008-12-03

I was able to duplicate something similar, I received an email from a customer that was formatted from Exchange and when I respond to them the email sits in my Outbox folder. If I comment out the code in the ExplorerSelectionChange event the email goes through.

Do you have any idea what is happening?

Posted 31 Jul, 2009 20:34:48 Top
Eugene Astafiev


Hello Kevin,

Nope. Could you send a complete sample add-in which can reproduce the issue to the support e-mail address (see readme.txt)?
Posted 03 Aug, 2009 07:54:30 Top
Dmitry Kostochko

Add-in Express team

Posts: 2875
Joined: 2004-04-05
Hello Kevin,

Thank you for the detailed description.

You run into the good old Outlook issue. The point is that after accessing an email message in the Outbox folder programmatically, a "ready-to-sent" flag is cleared and email will not be sent. I would suggest checking the Explorer.CurrentFolder property and if it is the Outbox folder, do not connect to selected items.

Posted 03 Aug, 2009 08:04:05 Top