Outlook AddIn

Add-in Express™ Support Service
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Outlook AddIn
OutlookMail to the Clipboard 


Dear Sirs

I need your help. I need an AddIn for Outlook. If i push a Button I want to Copy a selected EMail to the clipboard. Thats all.

Who is this possible with your tool? What I have to buy?

Thanks for your help

Posted 05 Jul, 2005 10:33:45 Top
Sergey Grischenko

Add-in Express team

Posts: 7233
Joined: 2004-07-05

If you are going to develop COM add-ins for Microsoft Office using Visual Studio .NET then Add-in Express .NET is the product that you need.
See our movie to learn how Add-in Express works.
Posted 05 Jul, 2005 11:01:49 Top