Dynamic RTD topics (excel)

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Dynamic RTD topics (excel)
Yuri Astrakhan


Hi. My company just bought Add-in express 2 .Net.

My goal is to implement a market data feed, so that a user in Excel can write:

=RTD("RTDServer.FinancialInfo",,"Revenue","MSFT","2004 Q3")

My foremost question is how to configure RTD component to allow for arbitrary topic names. It seams they are hard-coded at the design time.

I would like my code to get called when just one topic ("Revenue") is specified, and parse the rest myself.

This is similar to http://www.add-in-express.com/forum/read.php?FID=5&TID=174&MID=893&phrase_id=51522#message893, and one of the developers answered that there will be an example. Unfortunately, almost a year later, there are no examples (AFAIK).

Posted 28 Jun, 2005 13:53:57 Top
Sergey Grischenko

Add-in Express team

Posts: 7233
Joined: 2004-07-05
Hi Yuri.

I think you have forgotten to set the "*" for arbitrary topic names.
Please look at this example:

This is similar to this post, and one of the developers answered that there will be an example. Unfortunately, almost a year later, there are no examples (AFAIK).

Sometimes we send our examples by email directly.
Posted 28 Jun, 2005 16:55:53 Top
Yuri Astrakhan


Thank you for a great product. Works wounderfully!

1) In RTD server, IRtdServer.ConnectData() call is processed by the ADXRTDServerModule, but there are no events raised that my code can process (for example subscribe to a spescific value in an external data feed). Would it be possible to raise an event "Connect" on the topic object (similar to Disconnect)?

2) Most RTD code has no method/params descriptions nor Description attribute for the RAD environment. Do you plan to fix it, and can i contribute my own text? You seem to have some documentation in a separate pdf file.

Posted 01 Jul, 2005 11:31:06 Top
Sergey Grischenko

Add-in Express team

Posts: 7233
Joined: 2004-07-05
Hi Yuri.

1. OK. We will add the Connect event in the next ADX build.
2. If you think this is really important, we can add descriptions to the next build.
Posted 04 Jul, 2005 06:56:45 Top