updating Add-in Express .NET

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updating Add-in Express .NET
Gerry Rempel

Posts: 15
Joined: 2009-02-05
I've purchased a copy of Add-in express .net, and am using it to develope an Excel spreadsheet application. My question is about updating to a new version of Addin-express. Once I install the new version, how does Microsoft Visual Studio know which version to use when I compile and release my application. Do I need to un-install the old one? How can I tell which version the application is built with and which version is being released?

Posted 05 Feb, 2009 15:48:12 Top
Eugene Astafiev


Hello Gerry,

Do I need to un-install the old one?

Yes, you need to uninstall the old one.

How can I tell which version the application is built with and which version is being released?

You can change the version and build number of the add-in assembly or installer.

Posted 06 Feb, 2009 05:02:03 Top