Installation with Installshield

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Installation with Installshield
how do deploy using Installshield? 
Damon Eckert

Posts: 2
Joined: 2005-05-25
I'm trying to create an install for our product using Installshield DevStudio 9 instead of just using the deployment project that is supplied by the Addin Express wizard because our product has other things to install. Any suggestions on how to do this? I know the AddinExpress.MSO.dll is a Project Installer assembly and I try to register it as such. Are there any parameters that need to be passed to it in order for the COM addin to work properly?
Posted 25 May, 2005 12:58:43 Top
Sven Heitmann

Posts: 193
Joined: 2004-08-23
Hi Damon,

You should take a look to the Custom Actions of the MSI Setup Project (a new ADX Project has created).
You will see 3 Custom Actions: one for Install, Uninstall and Rollback.
Each with a parameter.
You have to create similar Custom Action for your Setip Project in Install Shield.

Another point is, that you remember to install Assemblies of Office into the GAC.

I got some trouble without doing so, when I created a NSIS Setup.

Best regards,

Sven Heitmann
Posted 26 May, 2005 02:48:11 Top
Michael McMahon

Posts: 56
Joined: 2005-05-03
Hi Sven,

I'm currently working on packing up a MS Office addin (developed with Add-in-Express) for deployment with Installshield and I am trying to understand the Custom actions in the .NET Setup project. Are you able to shed any more light on what these custom actions actually do? If I know that then I can probably create similar custom actions in my Installshield project and deploy successfully.

Thanks in advance,

Posted 19 Jun, 2005 20:09:26 Top
Sven Heitmann

Posts: 193
Joined: 2004-08-23

Hi Damon,

you could take a look into the sourcefiles of ADX for detailed info.

ADXAddinModule::OnAfterInstall and ADXAddinModule::ADXRegister is where you should look at.

To sum up, what is done:

It creates a TypeLib of ADX, registers both the TypeLib and ADX Assembly and places the Assembly into the GAC.
It registers your AddIn Assembly (there is a Service of .NET doing this (like regasm.exe)) wich calls ADXRegister.
This checks the ProgId and Type and register it as Office Addin (creates the necesary Registry Entries).
Finally it corrects your TypeRegistration to set full path for mscoree.dll
Best regards,

Sven Heitmann
Posted 20 Jun, 2005 03:00:07 Top
Sergey Grischenko

Add-in Express team

Posts: 7233
Joined: 2004-07-05
Hi Mike.

Custom actions in the .NET Setup project performs the .NET code that is placed in the special class called Installer. As far as I know, Installshield supports .NET actions. You just need to add the same actions from the .NET setup project to the Installshield project. As mentioned in the previous message, you can investigate the ADX source code to know what the custom actions do.
Posted 20 Jun, 2005 04:15:17 Top


Posted 05 Jul, 2005 08:00:11 Top