Deployment of Outlook Security Manager

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Deployment of Outlook Security Manager
Problem with deployment 


I have recently purchased Outlook Security Manager and used it to create a .NET application that uses Outlook Security manager to disable warnings, send an e-mail and enable it back. I added the reference to SecurityManager.dll in my .net project, compiled it and it works fine. I followed the deployment instructions and packaged Secman.dll and installed it it in a client machine and registered the DLL. Application fails with message FileNotFound (Security manager or one of the components is missing.) I tried copying the DLL to
1. Windows Folder
2. Program Files\Common Files\Outlook Security Manager
3. Program Files\Common Files\Mckesson
4. Same place as my EXE
and regsitering it. In each case, I got the same error meesage. I need help in deploying the application
Posted 03 May, 2005 08:45:04 Top
Eugene Starostin



Have you registered secman.dll as a COM object on the client PC?
Posted 03 May, 2005 08:52:18 Top


I used Regsvr32 to register the DLL. Is that the correct way to register as COM Object?
Posted 03 May, 2005 10:40:47 Top
Eugene Starostin


Please make sure that Outlook Security Manager's assemly and the secman.dll are included in your setup project and the dll is a COM registered issue and let us know about the result.
Posted 03 May, 2005 14:38:33 Top