using app.config in addinmodule.cs constructor.

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using app.config in addinmodule.cs constructor.
Sanjay Varma

Posts: 38
Joined: 2008-06-16

In the AddinModule.cs constructor I am trying to read value from the app.config file. When I try to register the application I am getting an error Target method invocation error. When I comment the line which reads form the app.config file my application registers successfully.
Why is that so? how can I read the value form the app.congig file in the addinmodule class constructor.

Posted 05 Aug, 2008 05:18:21 Top
Eugene Astafiev


Hi Sanjay,

1. The add-in module constructor is not a good place for such calls.
2. It seems that you forgot to configure your .config file properly.

I have replied you
Posted 05 Aug, 2008 06:10:22 Top