Task Pane talking to Module help

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Task Pane talking to Module help
new to office programming 
Clark Kent

Posts: 19
Joined: 2008-03-26
First of all, let me say that you've got a great product here - kudos to you!

I'm pretty new to office programming and anything COM so please bear with me :|

I've created an AddinModule solution and within that I've got a TaskPaneManger which contains one TaskPane Collection and that collection contains one TaskPane.

I've also got a commandbar with a few buttons.

I've added a few windows forms controls to the task pane(button and a label).

What I'm wanting to do is the following:

1. Reference my current Excel session from the TaskPane codebehind - more specifically from the button click event. I can currently do this in my AddinModule.cs code behind like this:

ExcelApp.ActiveCell.Value = "my text";

However, I am unsure how to do that from the code behind of my TaskPane. Does that make sense?

2. Basically the opposite of #1 above. I want to set the label in my Task Pane from the value of some text in my excel session. Would I need to set the properties of the control using the get/set (just like if I were using a user control?)

Oh yeah, and I'm doing this in C#

I appreciate any help you can provide. Thank you!
Posted 26 Mar, 2008 15:44:00 Top
Clark Kent

Posts: 19
Joined: 2008-03-26
Of course since I posted this I was able to get #1 to work using the ExcelAppObj object.
//create new excel object
private Excel.Application excelApp = null;

//inside my button click on my task pane
excelApp = this.ExcelAppObj as Excel.Application;
excelApp.ActiveCell.Value = txtSubmit.Text;

Any suggestions on how to go about #2 above?
Posted 26 Mar, 2008 16:32:40 Top
Fedor Shihantsov


Hello Clark,

Use the ADXExcelTaskPanesCollectionItem.TaskPaneInstance property:

if (adxExcelTaskPanesManager1.Items[0].TaskPaneInstance != null)
(adxExcelTaskPanesManager1.Items[0].TaskPaneInstance as ADXExcelTaskPane1).label1.Text = 'any text';
Posted 27 Mar, 2008 03:26:44 Top
Clark Kent

Posts: 19
Joined: 2008-03-26
Fedor, thank you very much. I've got it figured out with your help. Have a great day!
Posted 27 Mar, 2008 09:41:33 Top