Object Model Gurad not Disabled using Add-In

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Object Model Gurad not Disabled using Add-In
Trying to Disable Object Model Guard 
T Vinod

Posts: 1
Joined: 2007-06-27

The main reason why my company purchased your Security Manager 2007 for Microsoft Outlook Add-In was to disable Object Model Guard which is the warning window that comes up when a code tries to access the Outlook 2003 mail box.

From the documentation and examples I have implemented the code to disable the warning window but it still comes up. I am not sure if I am missing anything.

Here is what I have implemented in my code

public static AddinExpress.Outlook.SecurityManager SecurityManager;

SecurityManager = new AddinExpress.Outlook.SecurityManager();

SecurityManager.DisableOOMWarnings = true;

SecurityManager.DisableSMAPIWarnings = true;

SecurityManager.DisableCDOWarnings = true;

The above does not stop the warning from coming up. I even tried one of you example code. The SendMail Application. Even that is bringing up the warning window. I am not sure what I am missing here. Can you please tell me whether your software has the capability to disable Object Model Gurad or not?

Thank you
Posted 27 Jun, 2007 06:55:58 Top
Sergey Grischenko

Add-in Express team

Posts: 7233
Joined: 2004-07-05
Hi T.

Did you press the Security button before you sent an email using the SendMail example?
Do you use the Security Manager component from a separate application or a COM add-in?

P.S. We always do our best to answer your forum requests as soon as possible. However, we apply the rule "first in first out" with Premium Support Service subscribers taking priority. Please understand it may take us some time to do research on the issue. Please be assured we will let you know as soon as the best possible solution is found.
Posted 27 Jun, 2007 08:18:50 Top