Hiding ADXOlForm causes all forms to be disposed.

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Hiding ADXOlForm causes all forms to be disposed.
Erick Sgarbi

Posts: 7
Joined: 2007-05-30
While trying to use the following http://www.add-in-express.com/forum/read.php?FID=5&TID=1128&MID=5260&phrase_id=493478#message5260 to hide a ADXOlForm:

It is causing all ADXOlForm in the FormsManager.Items to be disposed. I am calling FormsManager.Items[0].enabled = false to hide the ADXOlForm for certain Inspectors.

The side effect is that all ADXOlForm are being disposed including the ones created for my Explorers.

I am and want to use the following setting:
this.adxOlFormsCollectionItem.Cached = ADXOlCachingStrategy.OneInstanceForAllFolders;


Posted 26 Jun, 2007 00:37:45 Top
Fedor Shihantsov


Hello Erick,

The solution you've mentioned is correct for first version of Add-in Express Extensions.

In the current (3.#) version, you need to use ADXOlForm.Hide() to hide the ADXOlForm for a certain Inspector.

You can use the ADXOlFormsManager.FormInstances(index) method to access an ADXOlForm instance. Use the ADXOlForm.CurrentOutlookWindowHandle property to identify the ADXOLForm.

See the following sample http://www.add-in-express.com/projects/adx-x-ol-3-currentform.zip
Also see the sample mentioned in the following topic http://www.add-in-express.com/forum/read.php?FID=5&TID=2110

Also you can use ADXOLForm.Visible/ADXOLForm.Active properties.
An active form in an advanced form region has Visible = true , Active = true. An inactive form in an advanced form region has Visible = true, Active = false

Changing the ADXOlFormsCollectionItem.Enable, .Cached, .FormClassName properties causes deleting all forms created by the ADXOlFormsCollectionItem.

Changing ADXOlFormsCollectionItem.InspectorItemTypes, ExplorerItemTypes, ExplorerMessageClasses, ExplorerMessageClass, InspectorMessageClasses, InspectorMessageClass, FolderNames, FolderName properties causes deleting non-visible forms.

Changing the ADXOlFormsCollectionItem.ExplorerLayout, InspectorLayout properties causes changing the Layout for all visible forms.

Changing the ADXOlFormsCollectionItem.Splitter, Tag properties doesn't do anything for the currently visible forms. You will see the Splitter changed when OutlookFormsManager shows the form anew.

I'd advise you to create separate ADXOlFormsCollection items for Explorer and for Inspector windows, in order to control corresponding forms separately.
Posted 26 Jun, 2007 04:18:55 Top