Uninstallation problem with unattended msi setup

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Uninstallation problem with unattended msi setup


We are using AddInExpress .NET Standard Version 3.4.1868, project updated from 3.02 and 3.03. We created a AddIn for Word/Excel/PowerPoint/Outlook. They are all in the same Project. Everything works fine with installation and the AddIn. Installation for AllUser.

Now when we try to uninstall every Office application seems is shortly called up. First, is this correct?

Second, for example Outlook displays its login screen. Because the installation user has no Exchange account. This is not very usable because we try to run in silent mode with msiexec and no user input possible.

PowerPoint displays a screen that there was a crash and asks to deaktivate a addin. Crash is caused by a third party tool that has nothing to do with our addIn.

Is there a way to stop this popups while uninstalling? Maybe someone has an idea?

René Drexler
Posted 09 May, 2007 05:10:03 Top
Sergey Grischenko

Add-in Express team

Posts: 7233
Joined: 2004-07-05
Hi Ren?.

Now when we try to uninstall every Office application seems is shortly called up. First, is this correct?

Yes, correct.

Second, for example Outlook displays its login screen. Because the installation user has no Exchange account. This is not very usable because we try to run in silent mode with msiexec and no user input possible.

Please go to the 'Mail Setup' dialog and click on the 'Show Profiles' button. To disable the Profiles dialog please choose the 'Always use this profile' option and set the default profile.

PowerPoint displays a screen that there was a crash and asks to deaktivate a addin. Crash is caused by a third party tool that has nothing to do with our addIn.

Please contact the third party support service to inform them of the error.

P.S. Note that we take up your forum requests in the order we receive them. Besides, it may take us some time to investigate your issue. Please be sure we will let you know as soon as the best possible solution is found.
Posted 10 May, 2007 08:04:35 Top