How Do I create an Add-in Function For Excel using VSTO SE

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How Do I create an Add-in Function For Excel using VSTO SE
How Do I create an Add-in Function For Excel using VSTO SE 
Osmar Fernandez

Posts: 1
Joined: 2007-01-16
So far I have seen how to add menus, bars, buttons ect.. But I need to a user Funcions So that I can Access the from Excel.
Automation is a Choice, But There are problems with Refreshing the formulas.
Any Ideas Will be apriciated
Posted 16 Jan, 2007 13:15:46 Top
Sergey Grischenko

Add-in Express team

Posts: 7233
Joined: 2004-07-05
Hi Osmar.

The VSTO doesn't support Excel Automation add-ins. However it can be done using the Add-in Express .NET product.

P.S. Note that we take up your forum requests in the order we receive them.
Besides, it may take us some time to investigate your issue. Please be sure we will let you know as soon as the best possible solution is found.
Posted 16 Jan, 2007 13:27:58 Top