ComboBox errors part 2

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ComboBox errors part 2
ListIndex is not updated correctly 
Stig Nielsson

Posts: 31
Joined: 2006-11-13
I wrote another topic about combobox exceptions on the 28th of Decemebr but never got any nswers, so I have done a bit more investigation.

There seems to be an error in the updating mechanism of the combobox ListCount property:

I have a combobox with 9 elements. In the debugger I have verifed that:

comboBox.Items.Count == 9
comboBox.ListCount == 9

I then execute this statment: comboBox.Items.Insert(0, "test");

When I then inspect the comboBox state, I find:

comboBox.Items.Count == 10
comboBox.ListCount == 9

Here I would have expected comboBox.ListCount to be 10.

Maybe this bug leads to the exception I described in my post on the 28th of December?

Could someone at Add-in Express please look into this ?

Best regards and Happy New Year

Stig Nielsson

Posted 30 Dec, 2006 05:23:44 Top
Stig Nielsson

Posts: 31
Joined: 2006-11-13
oops, the title should have been

"ListCount is not updated correctly"

and not

"ListIndex is not updated correctly"

Posted 30 Dec, 2006 05:25:39 Top
Stig Nielsson

Posts: 31
Joined: 2006-11-13
When I use comboBox.Items.Add instead of comboBox.Items.Insert it looks as if ListCount is updated correctly.

Posted 30 Dec, 2006 05:37:06 Top
Sergey Grischenko

Add-in Express team

Posts: 7233
Joined: 2004-07-05
Hi Stig.

Could you please send me the code that reproduce the issue?
Posted 30 Dec, 2006 10:05:56 Top