One Happy Customer

Add-in Express™ Support Service
That's what is more important than anything else

One Happy Customer
Add-in Express goes above and beyond 
Martin Mizzell


I would just like to take a second to say, "Thank you!?Â?Ð?í to all of the Add-in Express staff. For the past 18 months or so, I have moved from a corporate job to independently developing custom software primarily in MS Outlook. Using your amazing products, I have roughly cut development time by 25% and my end users have a more stable experience, too. Additionally, I would like to congratulate you on providing the best developer support I have ever experienced. Time and again, your team goes above and beyond the call of duty to provide custom examples. The ?Â?Ð?ìother guys?Â?Ð?í tend to make you feel like a moron when you ask a question that seems basic or of a beginner level. You have always treated me, and as far as I can tell, everyone else with the utmost respect.

Thanks again for giving us all an example of what true professionalism looks like.


Martin Mizzell
Posted 19 Dec, 2006 11:13:31 Top
Esteban Astudillo


I would like to second Martin with this. Thank you ADX for a great product and outstanding customer support.

Happy holidays and keep up the good work!

Posted 19 Dec, 2006 13:46:28 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 19052
Joined: 2006-05-11
Martin and Esteban,

Thank you for your very kind words. It appeared that we needed them fervently. They came in the right moment when we are working hard on new versions of our products.

The forum software doesn't allow sending a message from multiple authors :) so I just list the names of the guys and a girl who are also saying thanks to you:

Sergey Grischenko, Dmitry Kostochko, Eugene Starostin, Svetlana Cheusheva, Konstantin Izumets, Aleksey Zhigar, Alexander Solomenko, Constantine Shpikat

We wish you a Merry Christmas and the year 2007 full of happiness, good work, happy customers, and only inessential bugs in your products. :)

Good wishes to your families.
Posted 20 Dec, 2006 06:59:26 Top