IntResource.dll blocked by security policies

Add-in Express™ Support Service
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IntResource.dll blocked by security policies
Patryk Konieczny


one of our customers upgraded their security policies. It has issues with IntResource.dll, that seems to be used by Addin Express regions. Security policy blocks IntResource.dll deployed to %TEMP%, which causes our regions not to work at all.
It is flagged as asrExecutableEmailContentBlocked, which I believe suggests that the issue comes from the fact, that DLL is deployed to %TEMP% in the runtime, rather than DLL itself (I may be wrong though).

Is there any way to work around it? Not having IntResource.dll deployed to %TEMP%, but regions still operable?
Posted 09 Nov, 2022 09:40:22 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18821
Joined: 2006-05-11
Hello Patryk,

Try to deploy IntResource.dll and IntResource64.dll along with other files of your add-in; take them from {Add-in Express installation folder}\Redistributables. In this case, Add-in Express finds these files in the add-in's installation folder, and it doesn't unpack them to %TEMP%.

Regards from Poland (GMT+1),

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader
Posted 09 Nov, 2022 13:47:51 Top