XLL addin is not loading in Excel

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XLL addin is not loading in Excel
Ming Chao

Posts: 30
Joined: 2019-01-23

We have a client using our XLL UDF/COM addin. The addin was working fine until recently the UDF returns #NAME error. The COM addin is working fine.

We?Â?Ð?éve confirmed/tried the followings:
1. Both COM and XLL addin have enabled and shown in File->Options->Addin->Active Application Addins
2. The OPEN registry key exists in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Excel\Options
3. Reinstalling the addin doesn?Â?Ð?ét resolve the issue

Comparing client?Â?Ð?és and my adxloader log, my client's log are missing log events listed below. I can replicate client?Â?Ð?és adxloader log events when (1) the XLL addin disabled in excel or (2) the registry key above deleted.

What do these missing log events tell us besides the 2 things I've mentioned? Are there anything else that can prevent the excel loading the XLL addin? TIA.

Log events missing in client?Â?Ð?és adxloader log
<some other log events>
14:42:55:587 3852 2072 Getting the CLSID of the managed XLL class.
14:42:55:587 3852 2072 Success.
<some other log events>
14:42:55:678 3852 2072 Getting the base directory for the domain.
14:42:55:678 3852 2072 Success. The directory is 'C:\Users\test2\AppData\Local\<ROOT_NAME>\<APP_NAME>\'.
14:42:55:678 3852 2072 Opening adxloader.dll.manifest.
14:42:55:678 3852 2072 Success. The manifest is 'C:\Users\test2\AppData\Local\<ROOT_NAME>\<APP_NAME>\adxloader.dll.manifest'.
14:42:55:678 3852 2072 Getting the 'assemblyIdentity' element.
14:42:55:678 3852 2072 Success.
14:42:55:678 3852 2072 Getting the 'name' attribute.
14:42:55:678 3852 2072 Success. The name is 'ExcelAddinExpress, PublicKeyToken=786113effe367771'.
14:42:55:678 3852 2072 Getting the 'name' attribute.
14:42:55:678 3852 2072 Success. The class name is 'ExcelAddinExpress.<XLL_NAME>'.
14:42:55:678 3852 2072 Attempting to create a new instance of the XLL class.
14:42:55:726 3852 2072 Success.
14:42:55:726 3852 2072 Getting the dispid of the 'autoOpen' method.
14:42:55:726 3852 2072 Success.
14:42:55:726 3852 2072 Getting the dispid of the 'autoClose' method.
14:42:55:726 3852 2072 Success.
14:42:55:726 3852 2072 Getting the dispid of the 'autoAdd' method.
14:42:55:726 3852 2072 Success.
14:42:55:726 3852 2072 Getting the dispid of the 'autoRemove' method.
14:42:55:726 3852 2072 Success.
14:42:55:726 3852 2072 Getting the dispid of the 'autoFree' method.
14:42:55:726 3852 2072 Success.
14:42:55:726 3852 2072 Getting the dispid of the 'autoFree12' method.
14:42:55:726 3852 2072 Success.
14:42:55:726 3852 2072 Getting the dispid of the 'addInManagerInfo' method.
14:42:55:726 3852 2072 Success.
14:42:55:726 3852 2072 Getting the dispid of the 'addInManagerInfo12' method.
14:42:55:726 3852 2072 Success.
14:42:55:726 3852 2072 Getting the dispid of the 'Dispose' method.
14:42:55:726 3852 2072 Success.
14:42:55:726 3852 2072 Getting the dispid of the 'initialize4' method.
14:42:55:726 3852 2072 Success.
14:42:55:726 3852 2072 Invoking the 'initialize4' method.
14:42:56:368 3852 2072 Success.
14:42:56:368 3852 2072 The instance of the managed XLL class has been created successfully.
14:42:56:368 3852 2072 Forwarding xlAutoOpen to the managed code.
14:42:56:368 3852 2072 Success.
14:42:56:584 3852 2072 Start.
14:42:56:584 3852 2072 The minimum supported Office version is 14
14:42:56:584 3852 2072 The host's version is 16.0.15601.20088
14:42:56:584 3852 2072 Creating a new instance of the add-in loader.
14:42:56:584 3852 2072 Success.
14:42:56:584 3852 2072 Loading the configuration from the system registry.
14:42:56:584 3852 2072 Getting the latest CLR version.
14:42:56:584 3852 2072 The latest CLR version is 'v4.0.30319'.
14:42:56:584 3852 2072 The configuration has been loaded successfully.
14:42:56:584 3852 2072 Runtime version: v4.0.30319.
14:42:56:584 3852 2072 Assembly name: ExcelAddinExpress, PublicKeyToken=786113EFFE367771.
14:42:56:584 3852 2072 Class name: ExcelAddinExpress.AddinModule.
14:42:56:584 3852 2072 Registry key: CLSID\{6B990AA4-696D-446D-87C3-7C6E2229554F}.
14:42:56:584 3852 2072 Attempting to create a new instance of the managed add-in class: CLR - v4.0.30319
Posted 12 Sep, 2022 13:01:20 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18948
Joined: 2006-05-11
Hello Ming,

Do you see your functions in the Functions dialog on that machine?

Regards from Poland (CEST),

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader
Posted 13 Sep, 2022 06:41:24 Top
Ming Chao

Posts: 30
Joined: 2019-01-23
Hi Andrei,

Thank you for your help. I'm checking with my client and will update once I've found out about it.

Posted 13 Sep, 2022 10:59:07 Top
Ming Chao

Posts: 30
Joined: 2019-01-23
Hi Andrei,

Our function doesn't exist in the function dialog in the client machine.

Posted 14 Sep, 2022 08:59:43 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18948
Joined: 2006-05-11
Hello Ming,

Is your XLL add-in listed in the Excel Add-ins dialog? If yes, and if the name mentions "loader", it may be caused by the customer selecting the 'Require Application add-ins to be signed by Trusted Publisher' check box (see File | Options | Trust Center | Trust Center Settings | Add-ins) *and* your add-in having no or invalid digital signature.

Regards from Poland (CEST),

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader
Posted 14 Sep, 2022 11:28:49 Top
Ming Chao

Posts: 30
Joined: 2019-01-23
Hi Andrei,

Thank you so much for your help. The issue has now resolved.

Posted 15 Sep, 2022 07:46:13 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18948
Joined: 2006-05-11
You are welcome!

Regards from Poland (CEST),

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader
Posted 15 Sep, 2022 09:47:17 Top