Outlook Calendaritem and Draft Mail problem

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Outlook Calendaritem and Draft Mail problem

Posts: 99
Joined: 2014-09-23
I wrote an Add-In for Outlook which "listens" to the following events:
- explorerselectionchange
- inspectoractivate
- itemsend
- newinspector

The add-in then only does something with a selected item, if it?s an mailitem.
It works fine, almost.

Now we have some customers which
a) can?t move meeting items in the calendar for one position to another. The items just stays where it is
b) can?t save draft mails. After saving, they?re gone

I have much log output written, but I can?t see anything buggy.
Do you have a suggestion where I can look for a solution?

Posted 10 May, 2021 12:38:56 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18844
Joined: 2006-05-11
Hello Bernd,

I'd recommend starting with isolating the issue: turn all other add-ins off. If the issue belongs to your add-in, then the only way to prevent the move operation is to cancel the BeforeItemMove event. Also, right after you save an item you can check whether it lands in a correct folder.

Basing on your description, it looks like this is caused by some other add-in.

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader
Posted 12 May, 2021 02:35:58 Top