0x8004010F error in the Outlook ItemAdd event when accessing mailItem date or subject property

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0x8004010F error in the Outlook ItemAdd event when accessing mailItem date or subject property
Phil North

Posts: 3
Joined: 2013-12-11
Hey there,

The add-in that we created, adds user properties to a mail item on ItemSend event and then when it arrives in to the sent items folder, it tries to read user properties for further processing. Accessing the mail item object and its properties in the ItemAdd event works fine most of the time but ends up in 0x8004010F exception when trying to access mail item object's properties like SentOn (date sent) or Subject sometimes. The exception is thrown before even accessing the user properties. Any specific root cause or idea on how to recover and read the mail item object?

Posted 24 Mar, 2021 22:04:19 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18823
Joined: 2006-05-11
Posted 25 Mar, 2021 03:24:26 Top