How to remove XmlElement by api

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How to remove XmlElement by api



It's possible to remove an xmlElement in the onePage by api?

I try out the following things.

1. GetContent with oneNoteApp.GetPageContent(...)

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<one:Page xmlns:one="" ID="{67AE1C64-ACA7-4DF6-9CBE-EE0F4C37C2CB}{1}{E19560793461111514907320169340014166064608271}" name="Seite ohne Titel" dateTime="2020-06-05T08:01:45.000Z" lastModifiedTime="2020-06-05T08:53:44.000Z" pageLevel="1" selected="partial" lang="de">
  <one:QuickStyleDef index="0" name="PageTitle" fontColor="automatic" highlightColor="automatic" font="Calibri Light" fontSize="20.0" spaceBefore="0.0" spaceAfter="0.0" />
  <one:QuickStyleDef index="1" name="p" fontColor="automatic" highlightColor="automatic" font="Calibri" fontSize="11.0" spaceBefore="0.0" spaceAfter="0.0" />
  <one:PageSettings RTL="false" color="automatic">
      <one:Automatic />
    <one:RuleLines visible="false" />
  <one:Title selected="partial" lang="de">
    <one:OE author="" authorInitials="MT" lastModifiedBy="" lastModifiedByInitials="MT" creationTime="2020-06-05T08:14:24.000Z" lastModifiedTime="2020-06-05T08:14:24.000Z" objectID="{24B28869-2118-4D0C-A3AE-5CD72DE95CE5}{15}{B0}" alignment="left" quickStyleIndex="0" selected="partial">
      <one:T selected="all"><![CDATA[]]></one:T>
  <one:Outline author="" authorInitials="MT" lastModifiedBy="" lastModifiedByInitials="MT" lastModifiedTime="2020-06-05T08:15:55.000Z" objectID="{28C8BE49-4F84-414D-A20D-6EB99E8728AE}{63}{B0}">
    <one:Position x="36.0" y="86.4000015258789" z="0" />
    <one:Size width="72.0" height="13.42771339416504" />
      <one:OE creationTime="2020-06-05T08:15:55.000Z" lastModifiedTime="2020-06-05T08:15:55.000Z" objectID="{28C8BE49-4F84-414D-A20D-6EB99E8728AE}{64}{B0}" alignment="left" quickStyleIndex="1">

2. Now I remove outline element

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<one:Page xmlns:one="" ID="{67AE1C64-ACA7-4DF6-9CBE-EE0F4C37C2CB}{1}{E19560793461111514907320169340014166064608271}" name="Seite ohne Titel" dateTime="2020-06-05T08:01:45.000Z" lastModifiedTime="2020-06-05T08:53:44.000Z" pageLevel="1" selected="partial" lang="de">
  <one:QuickStyleDef index="0" name="PageTitle" fontColor="automatic" highlightColor="automatic" font="Calibri Light" fontSize="20.0" spaceBefore="0.0" spaceAfter="0.0" />
  <one:QuickStyleDef index="1" name="p" fontColor="automatic" highlightColor="automatic" font="Calibri" fontSize="11.0" spaceBefore="0.0" spaceAfter="0.0" />
  <one:PageSettings RTL="false" color="automatic">
      <one:Automatic />
    <one:RuleLines visible="false" />
  <one:Title selected="partial" lang="de">
    <one:OE author="" authorInitials="MT" lastModifiedBy="l" lastModifiedByInitials="MT" creationTime="2020-06-05T08:14:24.000Z" lastModifiedTime="2020-06-05T08:14:24.000Z" objectID="{24B28869-2118-4D0C-A3AE-5CD72DE95CE5}{15}{B0}" alignment="left" quickStyleIndex="0" selected="partial">
      <one:T selected="all"><![CDATA[]]></one:T>

3. Update page content with method: oneNoteApp.UpdatePageContent(...)

4. Result is the like after step 1.

What I'm doing wrong to remove an element from the OneNote page?

Thanks for your help.

Best regards,
Posted 05 Jun, 2020 04:30:45 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18821
Joined: 2006-05-11
Hello Mitch,

This should work. You can send me your project and test notebook(s) to the support email address; find it in {Add-in Express installation folder}\readme.txt; please make sure your email contains a link to this topic.

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader
Posted 05 Jun, 2020 07:08:55 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18821
Joined: 2006-05-11
Hello Mitch,

Alas, that was my fault. The description of the UpdatePageContent method at contains this paragraph:

The only objects that you must include in the XML code that you pass to the UpdatePageContent method are page-level objects (such as outlines, images on the page, or ink on the page) that have changed. This method does not modify or remove page-level objects that you do not specify in the bstrPageChangesXmlIn parameter. The method entirely replaces page-level objects, such as outlines, whose IDs match those of the objects you pass. Consequently, you must fully specify all page-level objects in your code, including their existing content and changes you want to make to them.

The method deleting an object is DeletePageContent; see the same page. It requires that you specify the page Id and the object id.

I'm sorry.

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader
Posted 08 Jun, 2020 02:28:24 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18821
Joined: 2006-05-11
The code below works for me.

After my first test, starting OneNote produced a OneNote message sort of "we are recovering". I suppose - and it would be natural to expect this - that OneNote requires releasing COM objects. Whence the ReleaseComObject calls in my code.

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader

OneNote.Windows windows = OneNoteApp.Windows;
OneNote.Window window = windows.CurrentWindow;
string pageId = window.CurrentPageId;
Marshal.ReleaseComObject(window); window = null;
Marshal.ReleaseComObject(windows); windows = null;

OneNoteApp.GetPageContent(pageId,out string pageContent);

XDocument doc = XDocument.Parse(pageContent);
XElement page = doc.Root;
XNamespace oneNoteNamespace = page.Name.Namespace;            
XElement firstOutline = page.Descendants(oneNoteNamespace+  "Outline").FirstOrDefault();
string outlineId = firstOutline.Attribute("objectID").Value;

OneNoteApp.DeletePageContent(pageId, outlineId);
Posted 08 Jun, 2020 03:02:00 Top