How add multiple locale EULA in wixtool set using addinExpress

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How add multiple locale EULA in wixtool set using addinExpress
Shyam Sundar Sah


I am trying to add multiple locale EULA in setup file. I am using Addinexpress COM addins and setup is multiple language enable. My code is following.

<Text SourceFile="!(loc.StdUI_ENU_LicenseRtf)" /> in StandardUI.wxs and

<String Id="StdUI_ENU_LicenseRtf" Overridable="yes">EULA_en-us.rtf</String> in StandardUI_en-US.wxl

for english culture. But I am getting error

The localization variable !(loc.StdUI_ENU_LicenseRtf) is unknown. Please ensure the variable is defined.
Posted 02 May, 2020 22:49:20 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18830
Joined: 2006-05-11
Hello Shyam,

Shyam Sundar Sah writes:
<String Id="StdUI_ENU_LicenseRtf" Overridable="yes">EULA_en-us.rtf</String> in StandardUI_en-US.wxl

Make sure you have this string ID in *every* .WXL file used in your setup project. Including StandardUI_neutral.wxl.

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader
Posted 04 May, 2020 09:34:26 Top