Addin probably installed successfully, but dose not show in excel(.com addin as well)

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Addin probably installed successfully, but dose not show in excel(.com addin as well)
After ClickTwice install, Excel dose not show the com addin 
Tom Han

Posts: 3
Joined: 2020-02-27
Dear friend,

Please help me with this rooic question!

After I create a ClickTwice installer and publish install files, and test to install. The installer creation process is normal, and the installation process is normal as well, but when I open the Excel, there is no tab add-in and no select option in .COM addin dialog box.

What I did:
I followed the ClickTwice installer tutorial closely, read through both Youtube videos and followed each step. After building the installer, I tried to install this addin on two desktops, which are all "failed"(no addin appears in Excel).
I have checked the adxloader.log and adxregistrator.log files, showing no problem, log files attached below.
When I use project "Register" method and straight click "Debug" to run my application in the Visual Studio are all worked.

Please help me to find what am I missing, thanks!


Add-in Express Loader Log File: 02/27/2020 12:12:42:393

Startup directory: C:\Users\Thinkpad\source\repos\MarketMatrix\MarketMatrix.Addin\bin\Debug\
Loader version: 9.4.4644.0
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 Professional (build 18362), 64-bit
Process Owner: Administrator
Command Line: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office16\EXCEL.EXE"
Run 'As Administrator': No
Process Elevated: No
Integrity Level: Medium
UAC (User Account Control): On
12:12:42:395 6948 35908 Start.
12:12:42:395 6948 35908 The minimum supported Office version is 14
12:12:42:396 6948 35908 The host's version is 16.0.4266.0
12:12:42:396 6948 35908 Creating a new instance of the add-in loader.
12:12:42:396 6948 35908 Loading mscoree.dll
12:12:42:396 6948 35908 INFO: Assembly codebase - C:\Users\Thinkpad\source\repos\MarketMatrix\MarketMatrix.Addin\bin\Debug\MarketMatrix.Addin.dll.
12:12:42:396 6948 35908 INFO: Assembly version -
12:12:42:397 6948 35908 Success.
12:12:42:397 6948 35908 Loading the configuration from the system registry.
12:12:42:397 6948 35908 Getting the latest CLR version.
12:12:42:397 6948 35908 The latest CLR version is 'v4.0.30319'.
12:12:42:397 6948 35908 The configuration has been loaded successfully.
12:12:42:397 6948 35908 Runtime version: v4.0.30319.
12:12:42:397 6948 35908 Assembly name: MarketMatrix.Addin, PublicKeyToken=5AC8F5C4BF26447A.
12:12:42:397 6948 35908 Class name: MarketMatrix_Addin.AddinModule.
12:12:42:397 6948 35908 Registry key: CLSID\{ED4E1D85-3EE8-44E1-8EC1-134C95F17E77}.
12:12:42:398 6948 35908 Attempting to create a new instance of the managed add-in class: CLR - v4.0.30319
12:12:42:398 6948 35908 Loading CLR: v4.0.30319.
12:12:42:398 6948 35908 Calling CLRCreateInstance method.
12:12:42:398 6948 35908 Success.
12:12:42:398 6948 35908 Calling GetRuntime method.
12:12:42:398 6948 35908 Success.
12:12:42:398 6948 35908 Checking if the hosting API of .NET Framework v4.0 beta is installed.
12:12:42:398 6948 35908 The hosting API is up to date.
12:12:42:398 6948 35908 Calling SetDefaultStartupFlags method.
12:12:42:398 6948 35908 Success.
12:12:42:398 6948 35908 Calling GetInterface method for the CorRuntimeHost interface.
12:12:42:398 6948 35908 Success.
12:12:42:398 6948 35908 Starting CLR...
12:12:42:398 6948 35908 Success.
12:12:42:398 6948 35908 Getting the CLR version.
12:12:42:398 6948 35908 The CLR v4.0.30319 has been initialized successfully.
12:12:42:398 6948 35908 Creating a new domain setup.
12:12:42:398 6948 35908 Success.
12:12:42:398 6948 35908 Getting the add-in directory.
12:12:42:398 6948 35908 Success. The directory is 'C:\Users\Thinkpad\source\repos\MarketMatrix\MarketMatrix.Addin\bin\Debug\'
12:12:42:398 6948 35908 The 'shadow copy' is disabled.
12:12:42:398 6948 35908 Creating a new application domain.
12:12:42:399 6948 35908 Success.
12:12:42:399 6948 35908 Creating an instance of the managed class. Assembly identity: 'MarketMatrix.Addin, PublicKeyToken=5AC8F5C4BF26447A'
12:12:42:484 6948 35908 Success.
12:12:42:484 6948 35908 Unwrapping the managed class.
12:12:42:484 6948 35908 Success.
12:12:42:484 6948 35908 Querying the add-in extensibility.
12:12:42:484 6948 35908 Success.
12:12:42:484 6948 35908 Querying the custom task panes.
12:12:42:484 6948 35908 Success.
12:12:42:484 6948 35908 Querying the ribbon extensibility.
12:12:42:484 6948 35908 Success.
12:12:42:484 6948 35908 Querying the form regions.
12:12:42:484 6948 35908 Success.
12:12:42:484 6948 35908 Querying the encryption provider.
12:12:42:485 6948 35908 The 'EncryptionProvider' interface is not supported.
12:12:42:485 6948 35908 Getting the dispid of the 'Dispose' method.
12:12:42:487 6948 35908 Success.
12:12:42:487 6948 35908 Getting the dispid of the 'InitializeLoaderService' method.
12:12:42:487 6948 35908 Success.
12:12:42:487 6948 35908 Invoking the 'InitializeLoaderService' method.
12:12:42:487 6948 35908 Success.
12:12:42:487 6948 35908 The instance of the managed add-in class has been created successfully.


Add-in Express Registrator Log File: 02/28/2020 04:43:43

Installation directory: C:\Users\Thinkpad\AppData\Local\Default Company\MarketMatrix_Addin_New\
Registrator version: 9.4.4644.0
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 Professional (build 18362), 64-bit
Process Owner: Administrator
Command Line: "C:\Users\Thinkpad\AppData\Local\Default Company\MarketMatrix_Addin_New\adxregistrator.exe" /install="MarketMatrix.Addin.dll" /privileges=user
Run 'As Administrator': Yes
Process Elevated: Yes
Integrity Level: High
UAC (User Account Control): On
04:43:43 0540 Starting the add-in registration process.
04:43:43 0540 Loading mscoree.dll
04:43:43 0540 Success.
04:43:43 0540 .NET Framework installation directory:
04:43:43 0540 The latest version of .NET Framework: 'v4.0.30319'
04:43:43 0540 Loading CLR: v4.0.30319.
04:43:43 0540 Calling CLRCreateInstance method.
04:43:43 0540 Success.
04:43:43 0540 Calling GetRuntime method.
04:43:43 0540 Success.
04:43:43 0540 Checking if the hosting API of .NET Framework v4.0 beta is installed.
04:43:43 0540 The hosting API is up to date.
04:43:43 0540 Calling GetInterface method for the CorRuntimeHost interface.
04:43:43 0540 Success.
04:43:43 0540 Starting CLR...
04:43:43 0540 Success.
04:43:43 0540 Getting the CLR version.
04:43:43 0540 The CLR v4.0.30319 has been initialized successfully.
04:43:43 0540 Creating a new domain setup.
04:43:43 0540 Success.
04:43:43 0540 Getting the add-in directory.
04:43:43 0540 Success. The directory is 'C:\Users\Thinkpad\AppData\Local\Default Company\MarketMatrix_Addin_New\'
04:43:43 0540 The 'shadow copy' is disabled.
04:43:43 0540 Creating a new application domain.
04:43:43 0540 Success.
04:43:43 0540 Getting the base directory for the domain.
04:43:43 0540 Success. The directory is 'C:\Users\Thinkpad\AppData\Local\Default Company\MarketMatrix_Addin_New\'.
04:43:43 0540 Searching for the Add-in Express core library.
04:43:43 0540 Success. The 'AddinExpress.MSO.2005.dll' file is found.
04:43:43 0540 Creating an instance of the 'AddinExpress.Deployment.ADXRegistrator' class.
04:43:43 0540 Assembly identity is 'AddinExpress.MSO.2005'.
04:43:43 0540 Success.
04:43:43 0540 Unwrapping the instance of the 'AddinExpress.Deployment.ADXRegistrator' class.
04:43:43 0540 Success.
04:43:43 0540 Calling the managed registration procedure (DISPID = 1610743823).
04:43:43 0540 Registration success.
04:43:43 0540 The add-in registration process is completed with HRESULT = 0.
Posted 27 Feb, 2020 17:04:54 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18829
Joined: 2006-05-11
Hello Tom,

The only glitch is the adxregistrator.log saying the installer was run elevated. Why it's so? I suppose this shouldn't be of importance but there always is a tad of uncertainty.

The title of your topic suggests you have a COM add-in and an Excel add-in, correct? If so, the two logs don't mention the Excel add-in at all.

I wonder if you have the add-in registered using the IDE. If so, uninstall the add-in and unregister it, make sure the add-in is missing in the UI of the host application, and register or install the add-in anew.

If the add-in is unregistered and uninstalled, does registering it shows the Ribbon tab it creates when you start the host?

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader
Posted 28 Feb, 2020 03:44:33 Top
Tom Han

Posts: 3
Joined: 2020-02-27
Hi Andrei,

Thanks for the quick response!
Firstly I tested a demo Excel add-in application and went through the installer building and installation process, it all went well.
After reading through a couple of related articles, especially
,I realized that in my original project I set the
[assembly: ComVisible(true)]
to the false inside of the project's AssemblyInfo.cs file. Could this be the causing issue?
To be honest, I did a control test on the demo project, which set the ComVisible to the false, and the installation process went through again.
So is it possible that ComVisible and registration for COM interop could indeed cause bugs in my situation? And in the original project, I use third party UI controls, could this be an issue too?

Thank you and looking forward to your reply!

Posted 02 Mar, 2020 01:11:06 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18829
Joined: 2006-05-11
Hello Tom,

[assembly: ComVisible(true)]

ComVisible must be set to true. Changing it to false obviously caused this issue.

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader
Posted 02 Mar, 2020 03:13:35 Top
Tom Han

Posts: 3
Joined: 2020-02-27
Now I get it, thank you for your help!

Apart from this configuration in the installation process, why does the debugging and project register inside of visual studio worked just fine?

Thanks again!

Posted 02 Mar, 2020 06:59:44 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18829
Joined: 2006-05-11
Hello Tom,

The add-in can't register if ComVisible is false. Maybe your add-in project was registered before that?

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader
Posted 02 Mar, 2020 07:10:05 Top