Register ADX Project, error after 2.8 update install

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Register ADX Project, error after 2.8 update install
Register ADX Project, error after 2.8 update install 
Jacco van der Pol

Posts: 30
Joined: 2005-09-13

I installed the latest version (2.8) and when I try to choose 'register adx project' from the solution explorer context menu, it immediately gives me an error 'method not found: Void System.Windows.Forms.Control.set_Location(System.Drawing.Point)
It's an existing project

Is there a solution for this?

Posted 10 Nov, 2006 05:59:47 Top
Jacco van der Pol

Posts: 30
Joined: 2005-09-13

Restarted Visual Studio, which solved the problem.

Posted 10 Nov, 2006 06:08:34 Top