Dynamic Menu not working

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Dynamic Menu not working
Cannot get a Dynamic Menu to respond correctly 
Ken Puls

Posts: 34
Joined: 2014-12-17
I'm trying to build a Dynamic Menu which, when clicked, will show a list of all open workbooks in Excel. So far I've managed to create the menu, but I'm having a problem getting it to (re) populate on demand.

In testing, what I've found is if I open Excel, then click the menu, it will show Book1. But when I open another workbook, the menu shows blank. (It is firing the code to load the menu items, but comes up blank.)

If I load my add-in, then open three workbooks, then click my menu button, all three workbooks show up in the list. But if I then activate one of the other workbooks, the menu blanks out again.

In VBA, I would hook up an application level Workbook_Close and Workbook_Open event, then invalidate the menu so that it could be re-created on the fly, but I'm really not sure if this is necessary, as the event does seem to be firing when the menu is clicked.

Here's the (VB.NET) code I'm using at the moment which seems to work to populate the menu once:

Private Sub dMenu_wbList_OnCreate(sender As Object, e As ADXRibbonCreateMenuEventArgs) Handles rxMenu_Workbooks.OnCreate
        For Each wb In xlApp.Workbooks
            iBtn = iBtn + 1
            If wb.Name.ToUpper <> "PERSONAL.XLSB" Then
                rxButton = New ADXRibbonButton
                With rxButton
                    .Caption = wb.Name
                    .Id = "Connect_Workbook_" & CStr(iBtn)
                    .Ribbons = ADXRibbons.msrExcelWorkbook
                End With
            End If
End Sub

Would appreciate any advice as to how to get this to work.
Posted 05 Aug, 2019 22:52:34 Top
Dmitry Kostochko

Add-in Express team

Posts: 2875
Joined: 2004-04-05
Hi Ken,

Please check the Dynamic property of your menu control, it should be set to True. Also, please have a look at the Creating Ribbon Controls at Run Time (page 140) chapter of the Add-in Express documentation.
Posted 06 Aug, 2019 05:01:36 Top
Ken Puls

Posts: 34
Joined: 2014-12-17
Thanks Dmitry! I never actually found the documentation, which was super helpful. Outside the event handler part, it looks like all I needed was to add the e.Clear() at the beginning.

FYI, on the documentation, the link on page 137 where it says "You may also find these files useful..." (near the bottom of the page) is broken.

Appreciate the help!
Posted 06 Aug, 2019 09:54:41 Top
Dmitry Kostochko

Add-in Express team

Posts: 2875
Joined: 2004-04-05
Hi Ken,

If you face any problems, feel free to contact us.

FYI, on the documentation, the link on page 137 where it says "You may also find these files useful..." (near the bottom of the page) is broken.

Thank you!
Posted 07 Aug, 2019 03:55:11 Top