CreateObject("Outlook.Application") fails when called by a VBA script in Citrix session

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CreateObject("Outlook.Application") fails when called by a VBA script in Citrix session
Stan S

Posts: 184
Joined: 2007-09-04
I do not have a Citrix environment to reproduce it, but this problem was reported by our clients in Europe.
I did a screensharing and found out the following

They are running a 3rd party application in Citrix session, which runs a VBS script. That VBS script executes as
After that it sends an email.
The Outlook is not loaded in the Citrix session.

After they installed the plugin developed with 9.3.4641.0, the VBS script started to fail at that instruction. Basically Outlook shuts down with GPF. However I am not a Citrix specialist and I was not able to locate any logs in the EventViewer; furthermore, I was not able to locate adxLoader.log either.

As I disabled the plugin, Outlook loaded normally at their server.
Unfortunately it is not possible to manipulate ComAddins(ProgId).Connect property for this plugin since it's installed per machine on the Citrix system, and plugins registered per machine can't be unloaded through Outlook API calls.
Posted 09 Jul, 2019 22:52:01 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18821
Joined: 2006-05-11
Hello Stan,

I would create a new empty per-machine add-in and let them check if the issue is reproducible.

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader
Posted 10 Jul, 2019 02:45:47 Top