Difference between Per User and Per Machine Installation

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Difference between Per User and Per Machine Installation
Leon Lai Kan

Posts: 200
Joined: 2018-12-20
Hello, Andrei

What is the difference between RegisterForAllUsers = True and RegisterForAllUsers = False?

Your ADX Manual says the 1st case is a Per Machine installation, while the 2nd case is a Per User installation, i.e the user running the installer.

I am puzzled: How does the installer know which user is running the installer? Suppose Peter, Paul and Mary are 3 users who normally log in on a given computer.

If all 3 persons need my add-in created as per User, how does the installer know which user is actually running it?
The installer does not ask for User ID and Password?


Since I experience so many problems getting RegisterForAllUsers = True to work, will it make a difference if I develop my add-in with RegisterForAllUsers = False instead?

Posted 03 Jul, 2019 09:41:53 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18821
Joined: 2006-05-11

A per-user installer installs for the *current* user. If a given user needs to have your add-in, that user must run the installer.

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader
Posted 04 Jul, 2019 08:14:56 Top