Could not register add-in

Add-in Express™ Support Service
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Could not register add-in
Nachtigall Guido



we try to install an add-in on
Windows10+Office 365 PROP PLUS ver.1901
We use adxregistrator 7.4.4067.0

that is the result in log:
Add-in Express Registrator Log File: 02/07/2019 11:15:45

Installation directory: C:\Users\smodrow\Desktop\SAP Notes Management Designer\
Registrator version: 7.4.4067.0
Operating System: Microsoft Enterprise Edition (build 9200), 64-bit
Process Owner: Administrator
Command Line: adxregistrator.exe /install="cunic Form Designer.dll" /privileges=user
Run 'As Administrator': Yes
Process Elevated: Yes
Integrity Level: High
UAC (User Account Control): On
11:15:45 0512 Starting the add-in registration process.
11:15:45 0512 Loading mscoree.dll
11:15:45 0512 Success.
11:15:45 0512 .NET Framework installation directory:
11:15:45 0512 The latest version of .NET Framework: 'v4.0.30319'
11:15:45 0512 Loading CLR: v4.0.30319.
11:15:45 0512 Calling CLRCreateInstance method.
11:15:45 0512 Success.
11:15:45 0512 Calling GetRuntime method.
11:15:45 0512 Success.
11:15:45 0512 Checking if the hosting API of .NET Framework v4.0 beta is installed.
11:15:45 0512 The hosting API is up to date.
11:15:45 0512 Calling GetInterface method for the CorRuntimeHost interface.
11:15:45 0512 Success.
11:15:45 0512 Starting CLR...
11:15:45 0512 Success.
11:15:45 0512 Getting the CLR version.
11:15:45 0512 The CLR v4.0.30319 has been initialized successfully.
11:15:45 0512 Creating a new domain setup.
11:15:45 0512 Success.
11:15:45 0512 Getting the add-in directory.
11:15:45 0512 Success. The directory is 'C:\Users\smodrow\Desktop\SAP Notes Management Designer\'
11:15:45 0512 The 'shadow copy' is disabled.
11:15:45 0512 Creating a new application domain.
11:15:45 0512 Success.
11:15:45 0512 Getting the base directory for the domain.
11:15:45 0512 Success. The directory is 'C:\Users\smodrow\Desktop\SAP Notes Management Designer\'.
11:15:45 0512 Searching for the Add-in Express core library.
11:15:45 0512 Success. The 'AddinExpress.MSO.2005.dll' file is found.
11:15:45 0512 Creating an instance of the 'AddinExpress.Deployment.ADXRegistrator' class.
11:15:45 0512 Assembly identity is 'AddinExpress.MSO.2005'.
11:15:45 0512 Success.
11:15:45 0512 Unwrapping the instance of the 'AddinExpress.Deployment.ADXRegistrator' class.
11:15:45 0512 Success.
11:15:45 0512 Calling the managed registration procedure.
11:15:45 0512 Managed Error:
Date and Time: 07.02.2019 11:15:45
Machine Name: VDE-LAP17356
IP Address: fe80::e982:533f:f815:1469%3
Current User: VAILLANT\smodrow

Application Domain: C:\Users\smodrow\Desktop\SAP Notes Management Designer\
Assembly Codebase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v4.0.30319/mscorlib.dll
Assembly Full Name: mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
Assembly Version:

Exception Source: mscorlib
Exception Type: System.NotSupportedException
Exception Message: Es wurde versucht, eine Assembly von einer Netzwerkadresse zu laden, was in fr?heren Versionen von .NET Framework zum Ausf?hren der Assembly als Sandkastenassembly gef?hrt h?tte. In dieser Version von .NET Framework wird die CAS-Richtlinie standardm??ig nicht aktiviert, dieser Ladevorgang kann daher gef?hrlich sein. Wenn Sie nicht beabsichtigen, durch diesen Ladevorgang eine Sandkastenassembly zu erstellen, aktivieren Sie den loadFromRemoteSources-Schalter. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter "".
Exception Target Site: nLoadFile

---- Stack Trace ----
System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly.nLoadFile(path As String, evidence As Evidence)
mscorlib.dll: N 00000 (0x0) JIT
System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFile(path As String)
mscorlib.dll: N 0018 (0x12) IL
AddinExpress.Deployment.AddinDomainAdapter.RegisterForComInterop(register As Boolean, dllType As String, dllPath As String, showExceptions As Boolean)
mscorlib.dll: N 0097 (0x61) IL
AddinExpress.Deployment.ADXRegistrator.RegisterAssembly(commandLine As String)
mscorlib.dll: N 0705 (0x2C1) IL

11:15:45 0512 The add-in registration process is completed with HRESULT = -2147467259.
Posted 07 Feb, 2019 06:05:33 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18830
Joined: 2006-05-11
Hello Guido,

I suppose that the profile is located on a network location and this is why you're getting this. You can install the add-in on a local drive. Alternatively, you can configure the CAS policy (please google for how to do this).

I our mail archives we have a report about getting this error in this scenario:

With the help of the IT group, we could identify the source of the problem.
We tried the add-in on a Win7/Office2010 machine and found it working, but after installation of skype2016 we observed the issue again. Apparently, the installation of Skype 2016 interferes with the dll?Â?Ð?és of Office2010 so that the ribbon does not appear. This was sort of unexpected, in particular as the combined installation of office2010 and skype2016 is supported by Microsoft.

We were told that skype2016 they mentioned is "Skype for Business 2016 / Lync 2016".

Hope this helps.

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader
Posted 07 Feb, 2019 06:49:04 Top
Nachtigall Guido


Hi Smolin,

thanks for the quick response.

We did the installation on a desktop (see log):
C:\Users\smodrow\Desktop\SAP Notes Management Designer\

It works on Windows 7 but same Office verison.

Kind regards,
Posted 07 Feb, 2019 07:58:03 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18830
Joined: 2006-05-11
Hello Guido,

My name is Andrei, please :))

I suggest that you find out if that path is located on a local drive or on a network location. Then you should install the add-in on the local drive or configure the CAS policy. Also, you can check if Skype for Business is installed on that machine and try to uninstall it if it is installed.

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader
Posted 07 Feb, 2019 08:48:37 Top
Nachtigall Guido


Hello Andrei,

we use Skype for Business for Office 365 MSO (16.0.11231.20122) 32 bit.

What will be the solution for this compatibilty issue?

Kind regards,
Posted 08 Feb, 2019 08:07:37 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18830
Joined: 2006-05-11
Hello Guido,

I don't know. You can try to uninstall Skype for Business to check if this helps.

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader
Posted 08 Feb, 2019 08:34:59 Top