Exception when viewing WebViewPane immediately after Outlook startup

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Exception when viewing WebViewPane immediately after Outlook startup
Dave Gardner


I have created an Outlook addin that uses a WebViewPane layout on a number of folders.

When I open Outlook and immediately click on those folders, ADXOlFormContainer.2005.DLL throws the following 2 exceptions:

Exception Source: mscorlib
Exception Type: System.IO.FileNotFoundException
Exception Message: Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {0006F03A-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} failed due to the following error: 8007007e.

Exception Source:
Exception Type: System.Exception
Exception Message: Outlook Application has not been determined.

The exceptions are not thrown if I wait some time after Outlook startup before clicking on the folders.

Thanks in advance,
Posted 29 Oct, 2006 17:50:42 Top
Fedor Shihantsov



What Outlook version do you use?
Posted 30 Oct, 2006 11:19:13 Top
Dave Gardner


I'm using Outlook 2003 with SP2. The OS is Windows XP Pro with SP2. This problem is occuring on more than one PC, although the other PC's are also the same versions of Outlook and XP.

I've built the addin with the latest published versions of ADX for .NET and the ADX extensions for Outlook, and am using the ADX loader.

I've also just created a separate project to ensure that it isn't something specific to my project. I am seeing this same behaviour with this new test addin.

Posted 30 Oct, 2006 14:24:24 Top
Fedor Shihantsov



I cannot reproduce this behavior.

Does this exception appear on an User PC or a Developer PC?
Could you please give me some information about the difference between PCs that have and don't have the problem?
I need this to reproduce the behavior.

I heard about the problem like this, but I am not sure that ADX Extensions is the cause of the problem.

Link to a similar problem:
Posted 31 Oct, 2006 12:21:02 Top
Dave Gardner


Hi Fedor,

This is happening on all the developer PC's we have tested on. We have confirmed it is not an issue on one non-developer PC so far.

We will do some testing on a few more non-developer PC's and let you know the outcome. Hopefully it is not occuring on any of them.
Posted 02 Nov, 2006 21:52:24 Top