Advanced Task Panes layout changes between restarts when activating/deactivating OSC

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Advanced Task Panes layout changes between restarts when activating/deactivating OSC


Hi Add-in Express Team,

I am facing the issue that the arrangement of two task panes embedded into an Outlook Inspector changes (possibly related to the order in which they are layouted) when the Outlook Social Connector is loaded (Outlook has to be restarted inbetween to reproduce this, loading/unloading the OSC during the same Outlook session does not seem to change anything).

Here are two screenshots showing the different layout (and the OSC state):

I debugged a little into the ADXXOL2005 source code and found that you are connecting a AdxAppWindowController if the OSC is active, which seems to enable some different layouting calculations. If I skip connecting the AdxAppWindowController, the task panes appear to be layouted correctly even if the OSC is active.

I also noticed this known issue in your release notes:
"In Outlook 2003 - 2019, advanced regions may work incorrectly if the Social Connector Add-in is enabled/disabled manually. Outlook should be restarted for advanced regions to work correctly."
As described above, the issue I am facing occurs even (actually: only) when Outlook is restarted after activating/deactivating the OSC, so this seems to be a different thing.

This is why I suspect that there might be a bug in the calculations (or the order in which task panes are processed), which results in the difference in the two layouts. Could you please look into this and let me know if you can fix this?

I can also provide a sample project that shows the issue. Just let me know and I will send you a link.

Thanks & regards
Posted 14 Dec, 2018 14:04:03 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18825
Joined: 2006-05-11
Hello Fabian,

With the Social Connector add-in enabled, we won't be able to do anything about our forms. To coexist with Social Connector, we must follow their protocol. What you see in code is exactly how we follow that protocol.

Let's assume that your top form loads first. With Social Connector enabled, the top form "cuts off" the top portion of the inspector window and any subsequent inspector form can only use the remaining area. With Social Connector disabled, the forms load using the protocol defined by Add-in Express and you see the same result every time.

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader
Posted 17 Dec, 2018 06:24:01 Top


Hi Andrei,

thanks for your reply! This clarifies the situation a little more to us.

Even with your explanation we are still wondering, though, why it is not possible to change the order in which task panes are embedded (which would solve our issue). I.e. if we were able to have the task pane on the right side embedded first (which would "cut off" the entire right portion of the inspector window, following your description) and afterwards the task pane on top, the top task pane should be positioned into the remaining (top) portion of the inspector window (clipped on the right by the first task pane), resulting in the intended layout.

If I got it right, this should be possible even though the OSC forces "cutting off" parts of the window.

Thanks again & best regards
Posted 19 Dec, 2018 10:13:30 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18825
Joined: 2006-05-11
Hello Fabian,

mio writes:
why it is not possible to change the order in which task panes are embedded

You can try the following:
- when the forms are loaded, prevent them from showing (set ADXOlForm.Visible=false in the ADXOlFrom.ADXBeforeFormShow event)
- start a timer
- in the timer's event, show the forms in the order required.

This isn't expected to work if there are two or more Add-in Express add-ins showing their panes in the Reading Pane.

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader
Posted 20 Dec, 2018 06:29:16 Top