Custom window show/hide as main window on Outlook

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Custom window show/hide as main window on Outlook
Desenvolvimento F?cil



It's possible to make an add-in that does the following?

User added an image

a) When I click in "Node9" (1) shows the embeded window "EXEMPLO" (3)
b) When I click in "Caixa de entrada" (2) hide the windows "EXEMPLO" (3)

Toda vez que eu clicar em um n? da "Minha treeview" ele deve mostrar uma janela correspondente (embedada) na janela principal.
Quando eu clicar em um item padrão da store, ele deve esconder e mostrar as informa?ões do item correspondente (Caixa de entrada, caixa de sa?da, lixeira, etc)

Every time I click on a node of "My treeview" it should show a corresponding window (embedded) in the main window.
When I click on a store's item, it should hide and display the corresponding item information (Inbox, Outbox, Trash, etc)

It's possible?

Posted 02 May, 2017 15:50:16 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18830
Joined: 2006-05-11
Hello Mateus,

Are you talking about the WebViewPane region? If so, please study this sample project:

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader
Posted 03 May, 2017 06:23:14 Top
Desenvolvimento F?cil


This sample project is a start. But the problem is (talking about your sample project):

1) When I press the "Show" button, the WebViewPane is assigned to "Inbox"
1.1) The add-in changes focus to update/embed the WebPeneView

My problem is exactly this:

1) When I press the button "Show", I want that the add-in shows me the custom WebPaneView, this can be done like the sample, BUT:
1.1) When I click on "Inbox", or "Sent", or a custom folder, I want to hide this WebPaneView. I can not find an event for that (like a click event)

The WebPaneView need to be show by a custom TreeView, and hide always I click into a folder of a Store.

I do not know if my explanation is clear, sorry.

Posted 03 May, 2017 07:20:33 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18830
Joined: 2006-05-11
Than is, you need to show the pane when you choose a node within your form. Say, the form should be shown for the Inbox folder. And, in this situation, you need to hide the form when you click the Inbox folder (in the Navigation pane)? Is this correct? If so, there's no event that would let you achieve this.

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader
Posted 03 May, 2017 07:42:04 Top