Items Events

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Items Events
Rick Koch

Posts: 172
Joined: 2006-09-05
Using VSTO and the Outlook Object Model (OL2003, without ADX), I noted that if the user copies a contact it triggers an item change event rather than an item add, something that struck me as unintuitive.

Now I'm using ADX in the same environment, and copying a contact triggers item add. I'm having to rewrite some code to remove my kludges, which is not necessarily a bad thing.

So, my next question is: If I add a contact programmatically, will that fire item add or item change? I ask because if the user adds a contact it's an add event, but if I add one using the OOM (without ADX) it's an unintuitive change event. Does ADX give an add or a change if I create a contact programmatically?

Finally, can you tell me anything about what I've been observing, or how you're dealing with it? Was I doing something wrong before? How come ADX gives different events?
Posted 29 Sep, 2006 14:50:17 Top
Sergey Grischenko

Add-in Express team

Posts: 7233
Joined: 2004-07-05
Hi Rick.

If you add a contact programmatically, the ItemAdd event of the OutlookItemsEvents class will fire.
Please look at our examples from the ADX installation package to learn how ADX works with the event classes.

Posted 29 Sep, 2006 16:54:56 Top