ADXForm has stopped displaying

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ADXForm has stopped displaying
Suddenly my toolbar button click event is not being recognized, and loading an adxform fails 
Brian Link


I get no error message, but when I click on the "search" button I have on a toolbar, the adxform that used to load is no longer loading.

Now I've been having issues trying to get this project to install using Wix for my installer tool. Currently it's installing with no errors. Could it be that a library is not being added/registered properly? The aforementioned toolbar, created in Addin Express, displays just fine in Outlook. And buttons that invoke modal windows work properly. This button, however, does not display my form with search options.

Any ideas? Thanks.
Posted 22 Dec, 2016 17:31:00 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18817
Joined: 2006-05-11
Hello Brian,

This may occur if the context in which you are trying to show the pane doesn't match the context specified by the corresponding ADXOlFormsCollectionItem. Also, make sure that your code doesn't set ADXOlForm.Visible=False in the ADXOlForm.ADXBeforeFormShow event.

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader
Posted 23 Dec, 2016 06:25:54 Top