RTD functions in german excel

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RTD functions in german excel
Ranjitha Nagendra

Posts: 40
Joined: 2015-10-26
Hello Addin express team,

I have an RTD function : =GcbRead(D3,"AA","BB","CC","DD"). D3 is the cell reference. My RTD function does not seem to work on the production machine as they have German version of excel. I am not able to simulate on my local machine. Is it something to do with the cell address I am reading in the RTD function or with setting the Localizable property. I have 1 ADXAddinModule, 1 ADXXLLModule and 1 ADXRTDTopic in my addin project. The Localizable property value everywhere has the default value False. Please suggest ASAP.

Posted 03 Oct, 2016 04:39:34 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18821
Joined: 2006-05-11
Hello Ranjitha,

Please provide a screenshot of the error message. Also please provide the message text; I'll translate it to English using translate.google.com.

Ranjitha Nagendra writes:
I have an RTD function : =GcbRead(D3,"AA","BB","CC","DD").

Maybe you create the formula programmatically? If so, is there a chance the issue is caused by a different list separator that they use? See Control Panel | Region | Additional Settings?

Could you ask them to create a simple formula referencing that cell? Say, you can SUM values. Then ask them to send you a screenshot of the formula.

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader
Posted 03 Oct, 2016 06:01:06 Top
Ranjitha Nagendra

Posts: 40
Joined: 2015-10-26
I could not reproduce the issue if I change to German regional settings. With German regional settings, I agree the separator is different and it works fine in my machine for the changed separator. i.e. in German settings my formula is =GcbRead(D3;"AA";"BB";"CC";"DD")

I created formula by adding ADXRTDTopic in the designer.
Posted 03 Oct, 2016 06:54:28 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18821
Joined: 2006-05-11
Ranjitha Nagendra writes:
I created formula by adding ADXRTDTopic in the designer.

You can't do this from an RTD server. The formula is '=SomeFunction(param1, param2, etc)'. ADXRTDTopic allows specifying parameters that you pass to your RTD server using this formula: '=RTD("{ProgId of your RTD server}",,param1, param2, etc)'. Note that the formula calls the RTD function which invokes your RTD server.

Back to the issue. The first step is to get the exception message: 1)text and 2) screenshot.

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader
Posted 03 Oct, 2016 07:05:06 Top