Office 365 updates losing add-in

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Office 365 updates losing add-in
After an office 365 update my add-in is unloaded 
Tim Kempster


Dear AIE

We have a situation where some of our Office 365 users are reporting that our addin is marked as not loaded after an office 365 update (Word 2016). Our Word add-in is installed for all users but after an update from Microsoft the add-in is marked as unloaded. If I run winword.exe as local administrator it is loaded but not as a local user. If I then run winword.exe as administrator and delete and re-add the addin from the COM addin dialog by clicking the remove button then the add button and navigating to adxloader.dll it solves the problem e.g. the local user accounts also load the addin as before.

Strangely it doesn't happen for all users on the network just some and they are all setup the same to apply Office 365 updates at the same time.

We are using Version 8.1 Release (build 4350) of AIE.

Can you please advice?

Kind Regards

Tim Kempster
Posted 21 Sep, 2016 04:14:55 Top
Andrei Smolin

Add-in Express team

Posts: 18821
Joined: 2006-05-11
Hello Tim,

If the add-in gets disabled by a host application, close the host application, set LoadBehavior=3 in HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Office\{host application}\Addins\{your add-in}, delete adxloader.log (this may require that you close other Office applications), start the host application, confirm that the add-in gets disabled, and send me adxloader.log.

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader
Posted 21 Sep, 2016 06:29:33 Top